
Posted on May 05, 2024Read on

Introducing Camp Network: The Modular L2 for Consumers

The fragmentation in integrating Web2 consumer services data with Web3 apps hinders dApps from leveraging rich data from Web2 ecosystems, limiting functionality and user experience.

Camp is bridging the gap between Web2 platforms like social media and streaming services (think Spotify and Google), making them accessible for developers to supercharge Web3 apps.

What Is Camp

Camp is a modular Layer-2 (L2) solution (optimistic rollup) aiming to enhance on-chain value creation by making off-chain data from Web2 services (especially streaming and social platforms) accessible to developers.

Web3 projects need the rich data and user engagement of Web2 platforms to increase their user base and improve the onboarding rate while leveraging blockchains' security and scalability. Camp promises to help them achieve that.

Camp introduces the concept of "digital backpacks," which allow users (consumers) to carry their engagement data from social and streaming platforms across different applications. This feature enables dApps on the network to tap into a rich source of off-chain data and craft user engagement strategies.

How Camp Works

Layer-2 solutions like Camp operates on a Layer-1 (L1) to extend its capabilities, including transaction throughput and scalability, without compromising the L1’s ethos. They achieve this by processing transactions off-chain and settling them on the base blockchain to maintain security and consensus.

Camp’s modular nature means that it’s designed for flexibility and adaptability in integrations with other blockchain technologies and off-chain services. The flexibility is crucial for Camp Network to support various apps across industries.

Camp uses zk-SNARKs (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge) and account abstraction to achieve portability, privacy, and sovereignty across its ecosystem. This means that developers will leverage valuable Web2 data without compromising user privacy.

Camp offers APIs and SDKs for building decentralized applications (dApps) to simplify development and integration. Additional features include account abstraction, gasless minting, and a user experience designed for the next generation of blockchain users.

Interacting with the Camp

Camp is currently in the testnet phase, and you can interact with the testnet via an Ethereum wallet (Rabby, MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, Trust Wallet).

Connecting Your Wallet to the Camp

Head to the section of your wallet where you can add a network and enter these details.

Add Camp Network to your wallet

After adding the network, you can request testnet tokens from the official faucet at

You can learn more about Camp Network, how to access data, additional network information, and how to spin up a node from the documentation page live at


Camp Network is solving a significant issue that Web3 projects and developers encounter by integrating Web2 consumer data services with Web3 apps.
The innovative approach, technical capabilities, and focus on user privacy and engagement are promising for projects looking to enhance their dApps with rich, off-chain data from Web2 platforms.