
Posted on May 20, 2024Read on Mirror.xyz

The Future of On-chain Reputation is Here: GOAT.Tech Mainnet Goes Live

The Future of On-chain Reputation is Here: GOAT.Tech Mainnet Goes Live

We had a successful month with our Testnet launch on the Arbitrum Testnet, garnering a staggering 48,000 users in just one month. And now, we're ready for the moon: announcing the official launch of GOAT.Tech, your one place for building and managing your on-chain reputation in a secure and transparent way! GOAT.Tech goes beyond just reputation – it's a revolutionary multichain Reputation Infrastructure designed to maximize your yields.

Goat Dapp is now live on Arbitrum One

What sets GOAT.Tech apart?

  • Reimagined On-Chain Reputation: Stake ETH with others to build your Trust Score. This score can be "challenged" by others, adding a dynamic element to reputation building.

Trust Score - A measure of Reputation, Reimagined with Yields

  • Flexible Staking Options:

    • Self-Stake at No Fee: Build your Trust Score independently without any fees.

Self-stake in Goat.Tech at No Fee

    • Community-Based Staking: Support KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) or communities by staking ETH in their accounts. In return, you gain access to private communication channels and ongoing rewards. A small fee is charged to support the KOL or community.

Community-Based Staking

Why Arbitrum One?

We've chosen Arbitrum One as our launchpad for several reasons:

  • Scalability and Speed: Enjoy low transaction fees and fast confirmation times without compromising security.

  • Security: Built on top of Ethereum, Arbitrum One inherits the security of the leading blockchain network.

  • Thriving Ecosystem: Tap into the vast potential of the rapidly growing Arbitrum One DeFi and Web3 landscape.

Celebrate Our Mainnet Launch with Exciting Campaigns!

To celebrate our mainnet launch on Arbitrum One, we're rolling out a series of engaging campaigns packed with rewards! We have different plans and exciting opportunities for everyone, from seasoned DeFi veterans, curious newcomers, to our partners and KOLs.

  • The Mainnet Experience Campaign: Dive into the heart of Goat.Tech and explore the power of staking. Earn points, climb the leaderboards, and rack up rewards through our innovative staking program.

Mainnet Experience Campaign

  • Become an Early Adopter: Be among the first to stake and farm the most Mainnet Points, convertible to our native token ($GOAT) after TGE.

    • Earn Referral Rewards: Get an early Invite Code and refer others. Earn 20% of Mainnet Points from your direct referrals and 5% from indirect referrals.

    • Support & Earn with KOLs: Stake first in the pools of KOLs you refer (after they create an account) and become their "Trustor." This earns you a significant 30% share of their staking pool's earnings.

  • The Trust Raffle: Every stake is your chance to win! Participate in our daily and weekly raffles and walk away with exciting prizes that will fuel your DeFi journey.

Trust Raffle

  • The Bonus Paradise Event: Calling all high-value Web3 users! Check now if you’re among one of the whitelisted communities and unlock exclusive bonus points, propelling you further ahead in the race for rewards.

Bonus Paradise Event in Goat Dapp Mainnet

  • The Partner Loyalty Program: Partner with Goat.Tech and leverage our platform to incentivize your community. Collaborate with us to distribute airdrops and watch your community flourish alongside ours.

Partner Loyalty Program

Stay Tuned for More!

This is just a taste of the incredible experiences we have lined up for the Goat.Tech mainnet launch. In our upcoming blog posts, we'll delve deeper into each campaign, providing detailed instructions and highlighting the amazing rewards you can claim.

Don't miss out! Follow Goat.Tech on our social media channels below to stay updated on the latest campaign announcements and unravel the secrets to maximizing your rewards on the Goat.Tech mainnet.

Together, let's unlock the boundless potential of DeFi!

About Goat.Tech:

Goat.Tech, 1st Onchain Reputation & Loyalty with Restaking Yield includes an ETH L2 and an ecosystem of reputation-related Dapps.

Phase 1: Goat DappFirst Gamified Onchain Reputation Protocol with Native Yield is a SocialFi game where users stake ETH to increase each other’s reputation (Trust Score, which can be “challenged"), earn rewards, and find out who is the GOAT (highest Trust Score).

Phase 2: Goat L2First Restaking L2 for Onchain Reputation is the only L2 built on a unique combination of components that natively restake deposited ETH to earn you not just ETH staking yield but later also restaking rewards.

The only L2 that helps you maximize ETH yields while building your reputation and increasing your ETH balance.

Ecosystem: Wallets, Lending Protocols, Launchpads, etc. built on our Reputation Infra.

Goat.Tech Social Channels:

Here's a list of official Goat.Tech channels. To ensure security, always double-check the URLs before accessing them.

Website: https://goat.tech/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/goatxtech

Telegram Announcement: https://t.me/goatxtech

Telegram Group Chat: https://t.me/goatxtech_global

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/JSsWuPVVkV

LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/goatxtech