
Posted on Feb 13, 2023Read on


It’s almost bedtime but I’m feeling this raging need to write down some thoughts.

So here’s a few:

  1. There’s something about Ethereum that’s so beautiful. Is it the tech? Is it the vibes? Is it the mission? There’s definitely something but I have yet to figure out what exactly it is. Perhaps it’s all of the above — and more?

  2. Naval: “I think it just helps to be very aware that fundamentally, there are no adults. Everyone is making it up as they go along. You have to find your own path, picking, choosing, taking and discarding as you see fit.”

  3. Overworking and burnout are very real. The remedy is simple — just go away from the screen.

  4. Sunlight is essential.

  5. “Attention economy” is degradation on steroids.

  6. It’s all supposed to be fun. So enjoy it!

That’s it. Night night!