Dr. DODO is Researching

Posted on Aug 25, 2023Read on Mirror.xyz

DEX|Weekly Brief 8.11-8.24(EN)

一. DEX Updates

Key Takeaways

💡 DODO now supports the Linea chain.

💡 Balancer has received a critical vulnerability report affecting a number of V2 Pools.

💡 Paraswap joined the 8020 plan, now you can Stake $PSP on OP.

💡 $crvUSD borrowing introduces new leverage feature, up to 9x, deleverage functionality not yet launched.

💡 Uniswap and Sushiswap launched on the Base chain, Pancakeswap launched on the ARB chain.

💡 In terms of trading volume, the overall market volume for the past two weeks increased by 2.26% compared to the previous two weeks. When compared week-over-week, the trading volumes of exchanges varied. Level-Finance and PancakeSwap showed impressive performance with significant increases in trading volume, while Curve and Balancer performed less well.

DEX Roundup


  • Trading specific assets on the Base chain to win USDC rewards.

  • Collaborated with Cyber.

  • DODO now supports the Linea chain.

  • The 26th DODO buyback & distribution to vDODO holders is complete, 116,917 $DODO tokens have been distributed.


  • Balancer has received a critical vulnerability report affecting a number of V2 Pools.

  • After launching on the AVAX chain, TVL reached $8 million within 9 days, with $4 million of fresh LST liquidity (TVL).

  • Gamble platform @BetSwirl and Paraswap joined the 8020 plan.

  • $cbETH / $ETH pool went live on the Base chain.


  • Joined the 8020 plan, now you can Stake $PSP on OP.


  • Annual $CRV emissions reduced by 15.9% as pre-programmed.

  • New leverage feature added to $crvUSD borrowing, up to 9x leverage, deleverage functionality not yet launched.

  • $crvUSD supply reached All Time High, exceeding $100 million.

  • tBTC/WBTC pool went live.

  • crvUSD lending market is now live on C.R.E.A.M. on Ethereum Mainnet.

Market Overview

Trader Joe

  • Upgraded Auto-Pools to the V2 version.

  • Collaborated with @StructFinance, a interest rate market project on Auto-pool pre-warming.

  • Integrated @onrampmoney, now allowing direct purchase of $Joe with fiat currency.


  • Hosted the Hook hackathon, developing interesting Hook features such as median price oracle and IL hedging.

  • Went live on the Base chain, with $38.7 million in trading volume 6 days later.

  • Uni Wallet joined the Layer3xyz task platform.

  • Organized the Scaling Summer event, gradually expanding Uniswap Wallet usage to ARB, OP, Polygon, and Base chain tasks through Layer3xyz.


  • $SUSHI went live on Base, supporting 23 trading pairs.

  • Sushi v2 launched on the Base chain.


  • Introduced degen mode in collaboration with Apollox, allowing 0 slippage up to 500x leverage (market maximum) for contract trading BTC and ETH.

  • Collaborated with @HashDit to automatically detect token contract security, displayed on the exchange interface.

  • PancakeSwap’s v2 and v3 pools can now be sourced from Matcha, powered by 0x.

  • Launched on the ARB chain.


Part 2. Data Tracking

Trading Volume and Market Share Analysis

In terms of trading volume, the overall market volume for the past two weeks increased by 2.26% compared to the previous two weeks. When compared week-over-week, the trading volumes of exchanges varied. Level-Finance and PancakeSwap showed impressive performance with significant increases in trading volume, while Curve and Balancer performed less well.

In terms of market share, Uniswap holds the top position, PancakeSwap replaced Curve as the second. Maverick and DODO maintain the fourth and fifth positions.

Part 3. Project Analysis

Brink Trade

Brink is the first protocol that enables relay of any conditional order type (not just limit orders) and the first protocol that does not require users to directly pay any gas or ETH.**

  • Built on a smart contract framework, it specializes in an automated intent order matching system, including Limit orders, Stop-loss orders, and more.

  • It introduces several new concepts:

    • Conditional Intent: Limit orders, take-profit/stop-loss, governance decisions, wallet balance, time delays.

    • Continuous Intent: Dollar-cost averaging, hot wallet refills, regular transfers, market-making.

    • Multi-step Intent: Transitions defined based on previous states.

    • Intent Graph: Represents present liquidity and potential future liquidity states.

  • Brink's purpose is to realize these intents, matching orders based on user intent.