SnapFingers DAO

Posted on Jun 21, 2022Read on

第二期 你(AI)画我猜 (AI) Draw and Guess Game 2nd

在这熊市中,让响指社区用你画我猜活动来相互取暖,渡过这艰难的时刻。如果赢得活动前三名还会有 30、20、10 USDT 的奖励,OAT 获胜者徽章未来会有赋能,如果你获得了的话,请好好的保存他们。让我们在欢笑中渡过这美好的时刻吧。

In this bear market, let us make some fun in the SnapFingers community  with the event "(AI) Draw and Guess". If your points are in the TOP 10,  you could get a winner OAT. If you get it , please keep it well. Top 3 will get an extra bonus of 30、20、10 USD, let‘s enjoy the event!


活动地点:SnapFingers DAO Discord

#「第二届你画我猜」-snapfingers 频道

活动奖励:OAT 参与奖章;活动积分前 10 名获得 OAT 获胜者奖章;活动前三名分别奖励 30、20、10 USDC。

Event Time: 25 June 2022, 20:00 (UTC+8)

Location: Event at

#「第二届你画我猜」-snapfingers channel

Event Rewards: All Participants,  Participation OAT, Event points  in Top 10 Winner OAT, The top three winner will be rewarded with 30, 20, 10 USDC.


1、宣布规则:每轮显示三张图片,均为AI根据同一关键词生成的不同风格图案。你有三十秒钟时间给出答案,第 15 秒会有提示出现。最先给出正确答案的 10 人得到一分(答案状态显示带有已编辑的不予计分)。所有参与答题者将会获得本活动的参与身份,积分前十获得获奖身份。

Rules:Three pictures are displayed in each round, all of which are different styles of patterns generated by AI based on the same keyword. You have thirty seconds to give your answer, and a hint will be announced in 15 seconds. The first 10 people who give the correct answer will get one point ( NO point with edited answer). All participants will get an OAT after this event, and the top ten winners will get a special OAT.

2、示范流程:例题,例题答案,emoji。 Demonstration process: Example questions, Sample answers, Emoji.

3、正式开始,主持人放图。 Event starts,  the host will show the pictures.

4、开始 15 秒后文字提示。 Text hint will be given at 15 seconds.

5、开始 30 秒后,本轮结束。 This round will ends at 30 seconds.

6、工作人员给前十位优先给出正确答案的选手添加 Emoji。 Staff will add Emoji to the top 10 players who give the correct answer first.

7、计分小组公布此轮得分十人。 Staff will announce 10 winners in this round who get the point.

The host will reopen the speech after posting the pictures.

Top three winners will be announced after the event.