
Posted on Sep 26, 2023Read on Mirror.xyz

Regeneration Through web3 Community Building

I had the immense honor to speak at the Transformative Impact Summit this past weekend. To be in a room filled with change makers from around the globe at some of the most amazing organizations in web2 and web3 was a dream and I am filled with gratitude for those who supported my ability to attend this talk and for those who invited me to speak.

My talk was titled "Restoring Our Humanity Through Community", located in the social justice track, and I spoke about how those of us in web3 community building are holding space for those developers who are using emerging technology to address the metacrisis.

I am UNAPOLOGETIC about wanting to help strengthen communities with whatever skills I possess at any given moment. I am a human first and I will always help humans first.

My work as a community builder is no different. I hold space for some of the most amazing and passionate minds in web3 so THEY can use our technology to address ANY issue we face as a collective. I am stunned that at this phase in 2023, with all of the chaos and systemic chaos swirling around us, that people still believe we're in a "carry on as normal" mentality.

Addressing the true issues in our communities using the technology we have chosen to embrace IS our role as community builders. Our role is to support one another and help create viable solutions for our collective human journey. I am and always will be grounded in public goods, I will always support the commons and will always work to move the collective forward through compassion, empathy, conscious leadership AND community building. Always.

Below are my slides from this talk and I'll add a recording of this talk as soon as one is available. Please purchase an NFT of this article, minted on Optimism, and I'll transfer all of the proceeds to the Transformative Impact Summit so we ensure such a powerful initiative has the strength it needs to continue to grow.

Baking Compassion into the Code is a core, personal mission and while I'm still defining what this actually means (and honestly, it means something different to everyone) I believe its time we start exploring this concept and have open dialogues about baking equanimity, autonomy and compassion into the code that will power our future.

I have the immense honor to work with some of the most brilliant devrels and web3 community builders in our industry and here they are, giving talks and helping hackers around the globe so we can work on technological solutions to move our society forward and prepare for the chaotic world we are all now trying to navigate.

A huge shout out of gratitude to Elliot Bayev and the Global Unity team for creating such an amazing container for these conversations to grow and foster and for giving me the opportunity to participate. The world needs your brilliance and I’m so grateful to know you all and be part of this movement. #gratitude

Please mint this article so we can support the production of events like this one! 100% of the sales from this mint will go to Elliot and the Global Unity team. Background images on these slides are from my documentary work, all done in community.