Evgen_by | Injective

Posted on Aug 26, 2023Read on Mirror.xyz

Creating an Injective Wallet

Creating an Injective Wallet

Creating an Injective Wallet is very simple and requires only two steps.

Upload a non-custodial crypto wallet Connect your wallet to Injective via Injective Hub Step 1: Upload a crypto wallet

The first step to creating an Injective wallet is to upload a non-custodial crypto wallet that is compatible with Injective. Injective currently supports the following wallets:

MetaMask Keplr Ledger Trezor Torus Leap Cosmostation Step 2: Connect your wallet to Injective

Once you've uploaded your wallet, you can connect it to the Injective Hub. To do this, follow the steps below:

Navigate to Injective Hub. Click "Connect" in the top right corner. Select your wallet from the list of supported wallets. Connecting a MetaMask wallet

To connect your MetaMask wallet, follow the steps below:

Click "MetaMask". Enter the email address and password for your MetaMask account. Click "Connect." Connecting Keplr Wallet

Follow the steps below to connect your Keplr wallet:

Click "Keplr". Enter your email address and password for your Keplr account. Click "Connect." Connecting Ledger Wallet

To connect your Ledger wallet, follow the steps below:

Click "Ledger". Connect your Ledger device to your computer. Select the Ethereum app on your Ledger device. Click "Connect." Connecting a Trezor wallet

Follow the steps below to connect the Trezor wallet:

Click "Trezor." Connect your Trezor device to your computer. Select the Ethereum app on your Trezor device. Click "Connect." Once your wallet is connected to Injective Hub, you will be able to use it to interact with Injective.