Greg Younger

Posted on Jan 06, 2023Read on

5 Resources To Get Started In Web3 Writing

The world of writing and web3 is exciting! But, there's so much to learn about web3, it can be hard to know where to start.

Don't get overwhelmed. Get educated.

The good news is this: There's plenty of resources to help get you up-to-speed on the world of crypto, NFTs and web3. Don't feel you need to become an expert to begin publishing web3 work. Learn about web3 at your own pace.

I have dozens of web3 resources, but here are my 5 favorite:

  1. What is Web3? - A fantastic essay on the basics. A quick read, this is always the first resource I share with web3 newbies.

  2. Tim Ferris Interview With Naval & Chris Dixon - I often call this the gold standard for web3 101. A fascinating and informative discussion on all things blockchain

  3. How Does the Blockchain Work? - This Youtube video was released back in 2017. It remains one of the one of the best for how the blockchain works. The animations are great, although the content can be dry at times.

  4. Zen Academy's 30 days of NFTs - This is a fantastic email course that will teach you all the basics of NFTs and crypto. Zen Academy was founded by Zeneca, a true OG of the NFT space and all around great dude.

  5. Milkroad Newsletter - I subscribe to dozens of crypto/web3 newsletters. Milkroad is the one I open everyday. Chalk full of information and insights on the ins and outs of web3 world. If you want fantastic information sent to your inbox everyday, look no further than MilkRoad. They'll set you straight.

The key to web3 learning is to get started. It can feel overwhelming at the beginning, but you'll get the hang of it, I promise!