Renaissance Labs

Posted on Mar 09, 2022Read on



The ENS registry is specified in EIP-137

The ENS registry is specified in EIP-137

The reverse registrar is specified in EIP 181

  • EIP 137 - Contract address interface (addr()).
  • EIP 165 - Interface Detection (supportsInterface()).
  • EIP 181 - Reverse resolution (name()).
  • EIP 205 - ABI support (ABI()).
  • EIP 619 - SECP256k1 public keys (pubkey()).
  • EIP 634 - Text records (text()).
  • EIP 1577 - Content hash support (contenthash()).
  • EIP 2304 - Multicoin support (addr()).

Tld : Top Level Domain 顶级域名

ENS Architecture

ENS has two principal components: the registry, and resolvers.

The ENS registry consists of a single smart contract that maintains a list of all domains and subdomains, and stores three critical pieces of information about each:

  • The owner of the domain
  • The resolver for the domain
  • The caching time-to-live for all records under the domain

Getting Started

ENS has documentation for a variety of audiences, including dapp developers and contract developers, as well as reference documentation.

I'm a dapp developer and want to add ENS support to my dapp

Check out the dapp developer guide, starting with ENS Enabling your Dapp. You'll want to choose one of the many available ENS Libraries to get started working with ENS.

I'm a contract developer and want to interact with ENS from my contract code

Check out the Contract Developer Guide, starting with Resolving Names On-chain. You can also write your own resolver (to customise the process of looking up names), or your own registrar (to customise the process of registering new names).

I want reference documentation for the ENS smart contracts

Check out the Contract API Reference. We have reference documentation for ENS's core contract, the registry, for resolvers, and for commonly-used registrars such as the Test registrar, reverse registrar, and the .eth registrar.