
Posted on Mar 23, 2024Read on

🚀TrendX Financing Daily News 03/24/2024

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【1】Sablier Finance

Amount: $4.5 million

Stages: Seed round

Date: March 22

Investors: Fenbushi Capital, Founderheads, A.Capital, Wagmi Ventures , GD1 Crypto, DCV Capital, Daniel Bar, Kartik Talwar, Igor Barinov, Sarunas Legeckas, David Truong, Moshe Malawach, Auryn Macmillan, Kerman Kohli, Lito Coen, Ari Barmat, Blake Gau, Martin Tellechea, John Henderson, Paul Salisbury, Alp Ergin, Clement Fermaud, Matej Nemček

Category: DeFi, Streaming Payments

Description: Sablier Finance is a cryptoasset streaming protocol, user can stream tokens by the second on Sablier.After a one-time deposit, the Sablier smart contracts will start "streaming" the ERC-20 assets towards the recipient, without you lifting a finger again.

Additions: Sablier Finance raised $ 500 K in Pre-Seed round on December 1, 2022



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