
Posted on Nov 23, 2023Read on

🚀veDAO Financing Daily News 11/24/2023

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Amount: $10 million

Stages: A2 round

Date: November 23

Investors: Folius Ventures, SevenX Ventures, ABCDE Capital, Jambo, Fire Phoenix Capital, Find Satoshi Lab

Category: Game

Description: Matr1x is the brand of Metaverse, planning to build the brand through high-quality games developed by themselves or in collaboration with third parties, game IP development and cooperation, and global Esports tournaments. Matr1x will express its game trilogy (Cyber Earth - Mars Immigration - Interstellar Exploration) through three large-scale games with a unified worldview: Matr1x FIRE (First-person shooter), Matr1x WAR (Shooting+MMORPG), and Matr1x EVOLUTION (SOC).

Additions: Matr1x raised $ 10 M in funding round on September 19, 2022



【2】Magic ID

Amount: $380,000

Stages: Pre seed round

Date: November 21

Investors: SFC Capital, Presto Ventures

Category: Digital Identity

Description: Founded in 2023 by Thanasis Mandaltsis and Aariffa Hajamaideen, Magic ID is a digital identity assistant linking businesses and individuals seeking mutual trust without requiring prior acquaintance. Magic ID is a GDPR-compliant identity network designed to facilitate the exchange of identity verification credentials among organisations while adhering to data protection regulations.



【3】AI21 Labs

Amount: $53.5 million

Stages: Extended Series C

Date: November 21

Investors: Intel Capital, Comcast Ventures

Category: Tools, Artificial Intelligence

Description: A Tel Aviv-based startup creating a range of text-generating AI tools, AI21 Labs was founded in 2017 by Mobileye co-founder Amnon Shashua, Goshen and Yoav Shoham, the startup's other co-CEO. AI21's flagship product is AI21 Studio, a pay-as-you-go developer platform for building custom text-based business apps off of AI21's proprietary text-generating AI models. The startup also sells access to Wordtune, a multilingual reading and writing AI assistant akin to Grammarly.

Additions: AI21 Labs raised $155 M in Series C on August 31, 2023;AI21 Labs raised $64 M in Series B on July 12, 2022



About veDAO

veDAO is a one-stop platform for web3 trend tracking & intelligent trading driven by AI. It combines the market phenomena presented by big data analysis with the massive trading liquidity and is committed to creating a web3 AI exchange that would be beneficial for both Web2 and Web3 users to trade and invest.

veDAO has an industry-leading AI large language model composed of on-chain analysis and sentiment indicators, providing users with active data support. Integrated by intelligent, fast, safe, and real-time monitoring AI trading function design, as of now, the number of highly active users has exceeded 37,000, with over 22,000+ Twitter KOLs, also onboarded 180+ professional organizations belonging to the veDAO expert committee. The platform listed exceeds 8,300+, with 220+ talent scouts continuously adding Web3 projects.

veDAO upgrades products at a bi-weekly rate, determined to build a bridge from Web2 to Web3, and serves all domain users to check projects, see trends, and find both alpha primary investments and secondary trading.





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