
Posted on Aug 19, 2022Read on Mirror.xyz

Democratizing Pitch with Snapshot

We believe in the power of decentralization and deep liquidity. We married these core tenets together when we created pitchFXS: a liquid wrapper for FXS with access to native veFXS yield, gauge incentive yield, and LP compatibility. As of today, we are expanding its integration to Pitch Snapshot voting.

On-Chain Democracy

We’re intimately familiar with the importance of democratizing DeFi governance, which is why we’re launching our own Snapshot to democratize Pitch’s on-chain governance. Like all Snapshot spaces, Pitch’s is completely public and participation is unrestricted. 

Most importantly, Pitch Snapshot voting is powered by pitchFXS, so on-chain governance for our protocol is fully integrated into our liquidity ecosystem. This means that you can vote with the same token with which you farm and stake, but without needing to lock it for a separate governance token

Beyond offering access to on-chain protocol governance, pitchFXS democratizes access to the Pitch protocol as a whole. With Snapshot, pitchFXS holders can decide where the protocol’s veFXS is allocated, how its treasury is managed, and how our gauge votes are decided. Pitch’s goal is to listen to your voice and make it louder. 


Like gauge weight votes, Snapshot voting is completely integrated with our Governance Console. When it debuts shortly, pitchFXS holders may vote for any proposal after they are created on Snapshot. Plus, the Governance Console retains native Snapshot features and fetches metadata in real time, including:

  • Weighted vote allocation
  • Start and end dates
  • The proposal’s author
  • An up-to-date list of votes cast with voter addresses and weight 
  • And a link to the original vote on Snapshot

Our new Snapshot extends our commitment to decentralized, permissionless, on-chain finance with democratic governance. And the best part is, for existing pitchFXS holders, it’s as easy as using the Governance Console with your existing tokens.

Learn More

We’re a group of open-source contributors and actively encourage members of the community to get involved. Keep in touch with us on Twitter where we post regular updates on the DAO and our numerous DeFi products. Got feedback? Drop us a line in our Discord to voice your thoughts!

All Content in this publication is information of a general nature and does not address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Nothing in this Post constitutes professional and/or financial advice, nor does any information therein constitute a comprehensive or complete statement of the matters discussed or the law relating thereto. 

There are risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies and participating in decentralized governance. Pitch encourages all interested parties to undertake appropriate precautions before making any investments or participating in governance measures.

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