
Posted on May 29, 2023Read on Mirror.xyz

The Stargate community is voting on the "Upgrade EqReward Design" proposal

The Snapshot voting page shows that the cross-chain bridge Stargate community is voting on the proposal of "Upgrading the Stargate EqReward Design", and the current support rate is 92.6%. The voting will end on May 31.

The proposal proposes to remove the discount given to rebalance transfers so that they pay less protocol fees (keep the protocol fee at 6-10 bps for all transfers); update the feelibrary so that the maximum eqReward allocated is the maximum protocol fee for this pathway (6-10 basis points), which means that rebalance protocol users will receive 0 fees, but will not receive additional rewards for doing so. The above updates will not have a material impact on the Stargate core protocol. By modifying the feelibrary to only return fees rather than rewards, users will not be able to earn additional eqRewards, allowing the protocol to keep more eqRewards and incentivizing Stargate's ongoing balance.

Earlier on May 25th, a Twitter user said that there was a suspected bug in Stargate, and a giant whale repeatedly added and removed liquidity for arbitrage. Smart contract developer 0xlittledevil responded that this giant whale arbitrage is not a bug, and LayerZero will deploy The new Fee library optimizes the allocation efficiency of eqRewards.