
Posted on Apr 10, 2023Read on

Nature of Money


  • Preface

  • Action

  • Greed

  • Healthcare & Wealthcare

  • The Gold Within

  • Ideal Money & Neurotransmitters

  • The Priority


  • Deploy the Archimedes’ Lever by Onboarding to web3 and Quadratically Funding our Gitcoin Grant

    • Gitcoin Grants Beta Round goes live on 4/25/23

    • Gitcoin Grants are funded via Quadratic Funding, which prioritizes the Voice of the People - Vires in Numeris

    • The more people that are onboarded to web3 and donate even $1, the more matching funds we unlock

    • This Value will be redistributed in our Society to fund the Public Good causes that matter; the ones that we decide are important such as: Education, First Responders, Mental Health, Energy, and much more

Before the advent of Distributed Ledger Technology,

Which has functionally granted us the ability to teleport Value across the planet without 3rd parties – humanity relied upon analog or physical means of transacting and storing Value. In this previous paradigm, Gold evolved as a universally accepted form of Money because it exhibited the following characteristics:

However, like anything, Gold also has its limitations. Nothing is perfect. In imperfections lies the real yield, as the Alchemists discovered.

Gold primarily evolved as a Store of Value; and though it evolved to function as a Medium of Exchange, it could not successfully scale as a Unit of Account. I.e., divisibility entailed melting and molding of Gold pieces, which was not energy efficient or pragmatic in terms of labor. Furthermore – and importantly – it allowed the controller(s) of a state’s Money Supply to introduce impurities within the gold coins by creating metal alloys, without the knowledge of the citizenry. This gradually eroded the Value of the state’s currency, the Trust of the citizenry, and then inevitably, the State itself.

Humanity is driven by Greed

History doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme. And indeed, this is what has happened since 1971.

WTF happened in 1971?

Greed took over. The Gold Standard was abandoned, and this granted our elected leaders the ability to recklessly print paper currency without cause, checks, or balances. “For the People, by the People.”

The Rabbit-hole is indeed, very deep

Ask Alice

The system is very much tilted towards the wealthy...but access to those assets is almost nil for the poorest,” as stated above. Sadly, today such assets fall into the category of Healthcare.

Healthcare has become Wealthcare

See more: Traditional Contracts and the Violation of Justice in Medicine

Behavior – financial & human – is a function of Incentives, which effects Outcomes in the world; individually & collectively

Therefore, we only have ourselves to blame for the present situation we’ve landed in. It’s imperative we join forces by coordinating and work towards a solution.

Is there a solution?

I wouldn’t be writing, and you wouldn’t be reading if this weren’t the case 😎

The Gold Within

One of **Carl Gustav Jung’**s defining insights – his Magnum Opus; The Great Work – is the process of Individuation: the emergence of a wholeness through integration of fragmented and unconscious elements within the Psyche. Jung’s personal experiences led him to study the process of Alchemy:

Conversion of base elements – the Prima Materia; First Matter – into the Philosophers’ Stone

During what the Swiss Psychiatrist described as “my most difficult experiment” entailing a voluntary confrontation with the unconscious (termed “mythopoetic imagination”), he realized the process of Alchemy was in fact a psychological projection:

The Alchemists were not transmuting matter; but instead, symbolically, their Psyches. Symbols are compression algorithms for information, and this idea of internal Alchemy is conveyed through the Ouroboros. It is evidence in favor of the Collective Unconscious.

So, the secret of transforming base elements into gold lies within? Indeed. This is the Secret of the Golden Flower.

Ideal Money and Neurotransmitters

Neuroscience of Ethereum:

We can see this playing out in real time through uncanny similarities – nearly identical overlap – between our Nervous System and the Ethereum Decentralized Network:

Neurotransmitters function as Money in the Nervous System,

and the digital asset ETH functions like Money on Ethereum. We further observe the EIP-1559 fee burn like mechanism:

Moneyness of ETH and Neurotransmitters:

Note, specifically, how Neurotransmitters function also as Units of Account due to their Supply Elasticity, in addition to operating as a Store of Value & Medium of Exchange. Learn more about how the Communication Channel above is an evolution of the Aether.

On Ethereum, we will continue to model the network after our Nervous System & Ideal Money (Neurotransmitters), as we collectively actively infer our Models of the World

A system of Ideal Money and Asymptotically Ideal Money, based on the groundbreaking works of John Forbes Nash, has been designed in web3. As mentioned in the introduction, further details will be revealed selectively and sequentially in order to mitigate the intentions & behaviors of bad actors who seek primarily to Extract Value.

We, the People, are the Priority