Posted on Mar 27, 2023Read on

Listen Before You Mint

Starting today, you can listen before you mint.

We believe fans should have time to fall in love with music before collecting.

  1. Listen

  2. Love it

  3. Collect it

One of our north stars at Sound is to help artists reach as many people as possible.

Before, you could only listen to a track after the public sale starts or earlier if you’re an existing collector. While this worked for exclusivity, we wanted to find a more sustainable way to reach millions of people.

Now, songs are available for anyone to listen to as soon as they’re uploaded to Sound. Everyone has the same opportunity to discover music and build hype for the mint.

This change brings us closer to our vision of helping artists reach more people and earn more for their art. The further your music reaches, the more valuable to NFT.

Thank you to @web3brett who helped inspire this feature with his thread last week.

We’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback.