Dr. DODO is Researching

Posted on Jun 24, 2022Read on Mirror.xyz

DEX|Weekly Brief EN 6.17 - 6.23(EN)

Part 1. DEX Updates

— Key Takeaways —

💡 DODO’s trade volume broke 70billion USD!

💡 Paraswap launched Paraswap Mobile for mobile users, PSP coin stakers get an early start on the app.

💡 TraderJoe and Chainlink were able to cooperate and integrate the Chainlink predictor solution on Banker Joe.

💡 In terms of trading volume, the overall market saw a slight decline this week compared to last week, with gains and losses varying from different exchange. One of the best performers was Synthetix, where volume more than tripled compared to last week because several pools from Cruve and 1inch accessing Synthtix's atomic swap feature.

— Dex Closeup —


  • In partnership with Canoe Finance, Canoe Finance will integrate DODO's aggregation algorithm.
  • Now integrated BitKeep wallet.
  • DODO’s total trade volume broke 70 billion USD.


  • Released Paraswap Mobile, a mobile application that gives first priority to users who stake PSP tokens to try out.


  • Launched Magicats Staking,Magicats is a NFT project,staking Magicats can increase yields. Each NFT in Magicats receives a different MP,additional MP for rare asset value. Special titles or set matches at the end of each Magicats name will also have higher MP. Higher MP values can be achieved by combining NFTs with different attributes. The higher the MP value, the higher the yield.


  • Released a proposal to discusss whether they should move towards a Uni V3 model of centralized liquidity.
  • Released a proposal to discuss whether an isolated lending market should be introduced.
  • Promoting DragonFi, the one-stop DeFi store on Polygon.


  • Worked with Chainlink to integrate the Chainlink predictor solution on Banker Joe.
    • The first project to sponsor Chainlink Price Feeds on AVAX.
    • Integrating the Chainlink Predictor solution on Banker Joe protects users from incorrect calculation, inaccurate information on a single exchange, and flash loans.

Part 2. Data Tracking

Trading Volume and Market Share Analysis

In terms of trading volume, the overall market saw a slight decline this week compared to last week, with gains and losses varying from different exchanges. The best performer was Synthetix, which more than tripled in volume compared to last week because several pools on Cruve and 1inch were connected to Synthtix's atomic swap feature. The remaining top performers were Serum, Uniswap, and Sunswap, while the bottom performers were DODO, Spookyswap, and Sushiswap.

Source: Coingecko

In terms of market share, the top three DEXs are Uniswap, Curve, and Pancakeswap, all of which have increased their relative share. Balancer remains in fourth place, Synthetix rises to fifth, DODO drops to tenth, Thorswap enters the top 20, and Defichain falls out of the top 20.

Source: Coingecko

The market share of aggregators on ethereum dropped significantly compared to last week, from 27.7% to 23.6%.

Source: Dune Analytics

Whale Watch

Mega whale trading on ETH went through a lot of changes this week compared to last week, with minor changes in mega whale trading, a minor drop in medium sized trades and slight increase in small sized trades.

 Source: Dune Analytics

Part 3. Project Analysis


  • Magicats is an NFT project launched by SpookySwap and each Magicat is not only artistic but can also be used to increase the profitability of SpookySwap.
  • Users can stake BOO to get xBOO, and then stake xBOO in the Partner Pool, and Magicat can increase the revenue of this part.
  • Users can choose different combinations of Magicats. Different sets of Magicats have different MP values, rare assets are worth extra MP. Special titles or sets matching at the end of each Magicat's name also have higher MP. By changing combinations, different MP values can be achieved, thus increasing profitability.