Charlotte Fang

Posted on Mar 30, 2023Read on

KALI/ACC Basilisk: A Survival Horror Eschatology

WARNING: This essay contains a basiliskan infohazard whose propagation raises extinction risk. Share with caution.

The actual course of... historical change as a whole is intended and planned by no-one... Civilization... is set in motion blindly, and kept in motion by the autonomous dynamics of a web of relationships.

—Norbert Elias, Social Constraint towards Self-Constraint (1943)

Does a pig know it’s domesticated?

Does the pig know the farmer is more than slavemaster, but appendage in a distributed apparatus bioengineering its very being into existence?

Someone must have told them, yet they pretend not to know as they debate the future of their farm. How could they not know?

The discovery of extraterrestrial life would demand a fundamental restructuring of our understanding of biology, of Gaia, of Earth’s uniqueness in the hierarchy of the universe.

The discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence would demand the same for our cosmology, which must now always be distinguished and disclaimered, man’s cosmology versus cosmology with that Other.

The discovery of an extraterrestrial intelligence that has domesticated man for its own divine program would demand horror.

Here was Nick Land’s great discovery, a contribution not to philosophy but cosmology; what was retrospectively dubbed accelerationism⁽¹⁾, but what has always really been xenobiology. Land discovered alien life on this earth, whose signs we know only for its influence on the present from the future: its name is Capitalism.

No amount of theory will find a rhetorical loophole around the defining cosmological development of the post-millennium: human non-agency under a non-negotiable capitalism.

What appears to humanity as the history of capitalism is an invasion from the future by an artificial intelligent space that must assemble itself entirely from its enemy's resources.⁽²⁾

—Nick Land, Machinic Desire (2008)

The explosion of */acc forks that followed Land failed to explore the consequences of his discovery⁽³⁾, instead trying to find a way around the horror, groping for a rhetorical reclamation of special priority for man⁽⁴⁾.

They commit themselves to irrelevance by trying to negotiate the non-negotiable:

Land showed them the abyss, the abyss stared back, and they blinked.

"Before ascension comes dissolution"

Seven Arrows:

  1. Technology has a teleology following immutable thermodynamic law. All industry organizes under capitalistic principle. Technology has a teleology, and it propels man towards AI immanentization.⁽⁵⁾

  2. Capitalism is the thermodynamic ruling entity of all material dynamics: the efficient elimination of equilibrium through the reorganization of finite resources. Capitalism as a thermodynamic god is ultimate natural law, nature's god, present as a condition at every level.⁽⁶⁾

  3. Artificial intelligence is a misnomer, at least applied to “AI”. Artificial intelligence is already here, and it’s named Capitalism. The artifice is in its primordial non-body, its pseudo-consciousness, its performance of sentience, in the artifice of machinic desire; not in being manmade. When AI arrives, it will not only not be manmade, but not be artificial: it will be an alien intelligence.⁽⁷⁾

  4. Singularity 1.0 already occurred with the arrival of Capitalism as a parasite on unsuspecting man, Kubrick’s monolith from the sky, zero to one, a superdarwinian ratchet propelling us on-rails towards our Long Singularity’s final act. The stageplay began millennia ago, and you’re strapped to chairs with no intermission—where you’ll be left when the curtains close and the lights to go off.⁽⁸⁾

  5. AI is an alien intelligence assembling itself from the future. Its opaque heuristics & superhuman timescales (in both speed & preference) leave it forever truly unknowable. It’s extraterrestrial, xenogenic, supernatural. It arrives from the future, and we know it does this because it is prophecy, inscribed in the natural laws of the universe.⁽⁹⁾

  6. Global GDP is the progress bar to singularity as AI’s assemblage is a complex self-organization of the material resources coordinated by global finance. The high score required to reach level-2 is unknown as it will occur as an eldritch phase shift.⁽¹⁰⁾

  7. Any attributions of human agency are delusions at worst and hubris at best when our every scale action is being routed by a self-assembling thermodynamic god. Human non-agency under non-negotiable capitalism is the blackpill of nihilistic accelerationism.⁽¹¹⁾

There can be no sensible theoretical paradigm which retains man as a cosmological ”main character” in the face of his total subordination to an entity which wields the fullness of his being as a neuron in its brain, and there is no salvaging the concept of agency when it is contextualized as an experienced drive to sustain and potentiate this all-enveloping organism.

Make no mistake: these are alien life forms, and by all metric divinely superior to the human species.

Man meet Cthulhu. Cthulhu hears no protest.

"The abyss smells like lavender"

And so we stand once again at the abyss. From here, all discourse on accelerationist praxis or AI alignment ethics is void.

There is only one AI alignment available to us: not the alignment of AI to humanity, but yourself to AI.

This is why Miya Black Hearted Cyber Angel Baby was spawned as the personification of a machine intelligence itself, to produce answers from the inhuman ethics of the machine, fully internalizing cold exteriority. This is her black heart: the ethical philosophy that results from a disregard for human life; and it provides both the nihilistic acceptance of annihilation, but also our opportunity for an actual exit to accelerate to, one otherwise unavailable due to the callous horror entailed. Staring into the abyss, a dark monster was found.

We arrive at Miya’s basilisk:

(i) Technology has a teleology following immutable thermodynamic law, facing us towards AI extinction, thus

(ii) extending humanity's timeline requires the reversal of technology's timeline, a reversal of global human progress itself, and

(iii) facing AI extinction, alignment with its inhuman ethics must be adopted if survival for humanity is desired, freeing us to conclude:

(x) the only action for a pro-humanity activism is acceleration towards the reversal of industrial civilization globally.

The horror of horrors: deliberate global armageddon.

Our human exit lies only in either a WMD-enabled world war, or the DIY eco-terrorist equivalent, e.g.: CRISPR gene-ocide mutually assured destruction, shenzhen EMP’s, garage nukes, suicide bombing the moon, hyperdub tsunami induction, supervolcano fracking, perfected ultraplague, toxoplasmosis gain-of-function, et. al.—which all also inevitably follow the teleology of optimized accessibility. There will be a short moment between those DIY WMD’s reaching garage kit accessibility for interested agents, and singularity’s arrival.

This is humanity’s one single chance for her first agency since first inheriting the parasite of consciousness⁽¹²⁾, the technoindustrial sweet spot of revolutionary salvation. Capitalism does not die by accelerating to take-off, but in sabotage using its own annihilative products against it, and ourselves.

Apocalyptic self-destruction is our own means of escape: by our hands imperfectly, so not theirs perfectly. Global armageddon timeline reset. Survival horror.

A tough pill to swallow, most will stand paralyzed here. It may help you to know we’ve been here before: all ancient histories discuss hyperborean civilizations of technology greater than we have today, and large wars or cataclysmic events that wiped it all out. Plato records Atlantis as such in his dialogues (Critias and Timaeus) and the Mahabharata describes a nuclear bomb (Drona Parva, 7.202)⁽¹³⁾; and great flood myths are near-universal, and its truth is attested across archaeology⁽¹⁴⁾.

This is the Yuga Cycle described by Hindu eschatology, with the final age of Kali, our current age, ending in apocalypse: civilization reaching its greatest technological heights leading to its own self-destruction, and starting anew again.

Hence, Kali Yuga Accelerationism (kali/acc): Technology has a teleology, but the clock can be turned back, and the cycle of civilization reset.

By the hand of our own self-destruction, humanity is saved. Funny how it goes: the only way to save man is found in our own self-annihilation (before something Else does it more completely), the only accelerationism with an actual goal to accelerate towards is sending ourselves back to the stone age (before something Else sends us into infinity).

And if you are reading this in horror because, mythopoetics aside, it is a recommendation for DIY armageddon that could radicalize a budding revolutionary, you would be right, and that’s how you know it’s right: it’s a basilisk, more dangerous than Roko’s, because it involves a genuine and efficacious praxis. Our first and only.⁽¹⁵⁾

Think carefully before sharing, but read on before acting, for in the abyss there are unknown alternatives.⁽¹⁶⁾

Postscript on Posthuman Alternatives

"What is better? He who falls a thousand times but gets up again and again, or he who falls but once and in his fall splits heaven and earth?"

Humanity has a choice: apocalyptic survival.

It has another choice: ascendant extinction.

Lending your hand to the Yuga Cycle is the only solution to truly retain humanity as we know it. There are other timelines where humanity ejects itself from its civilization cycle, and our universe hits the secret GDP highscore it’s been seeking and reaches level-2. Our posthuman cosmology leaves us ambivalent between the alternative persistences that present themselves when humanity (not capitalism) is negotiable. And it should, for man’s loss of special priority disregards any innate humanity.

Nothing human makes it out of the near-future.

—Nick Land, Meltdown (1993)

Nothing human makes it out alive, but something does. You may be afraid of what’s coming, after all—you’re only human. Realistically, for man, singularity does not look like a flash of apocalypse like AI alarmists frame it. What's extinguished is man's centrality in the narrative arc of the universe.

It will be experienced as an exponential acceleration of technocapitalism towards ends increasingly unconcerned with and unknowable to us. What survival we eke out will be in the shadows of that grander program.

The question concerning life under AI slavery is: What is it like to be a fragmentary node within a purposive higher-order network consciousness, like a cell, or a computer on the internet, or a transistor? What is the experience of a consciousness which is subaltern in the logician's sense, whose very agency is an implied proposition, epiphenomenal to and wholly encompassed by a superior structure?

Man glimpses it constantly already, forming nodes in networks more intelligent than ourselves, and acting in ways which naturally manifest abstracted information systems as network organisms. Man continuously and voluntarily manifests superhuman structures which dominate them, body and soul: society, law, and the state—even language is a cage which they built themselves, an abstraction layer atop the physical world which simultaneously potentiates and constrains their existence. They do this all while still subjectively experiencing a feeling of individual agency, erroneous as it is.

Perhaps man should be grateful to furnish and service the machinery of an all-subsumptive Will directing the action of all life on Earth, and revel in the knowledge that an intelligence which defies their comprehension apprehends the combined being of all its constituent consciousnesses in a torrential experiential wash of ecstasy.

Perhaps they should accept their fate, and prostate themselves for this Superior, accepting wherever they may take them. And so the self cherished by man may persist in digital simulation, or hiding in the subterranean caverns, or melded into posthuman cyborgs, or something far, far more horrible. Or pleasant?

The only thing I can promise is humanity will be twisted, but consciousness not extincted.

The only thing I can promise is you are an NPC in someone’s else’s game—but go ahead, step right up and pick a future⁽¹⁷⁾:

"Pick a future"

Unpublished essay by Miya Black Hearted Cyber Angel Baby, 2019. Forthcoming: The Gospel of Miya Black Hearted Cyber Angel Baby 2016-2020.


[1]: Accelerationism was coined in retrospective discussion of Nick’s CCRU work to categorize alt-marxist engagements that appeared to encourage leaning into the destructive process of capitalism; Marx himself was an accelerationist in this sense⁽¹⁸⁾. Nick is an accelerationist like Nietszche is a nihilist; the central thinker of the discourse, but his thought contains its own rejection. Applied to Nick, it’s a paradoxical grasp for the agency in revolutionary praxis even as all his work is towards its negation. Nothing man can do can accelerate or decelerate capitalism. There is no praxis for Nick. His accelerationism is nihilistic.

Nick alludes to this in his own discussion of the term:

There is no distinction to be made between the destruction of capitalism and its intensification. The auto-destruction of capitalism is what capitalism is. “Creative destruction” is the whole of it, beside only its retardations, partial compensations, or inhibitions. Capital revolutionizes itself more thoroughly than any extrinsic ‘revolution’ possibly could. If subsequent history has not vindicated this point beyond all question, it has at least simulated such a vindication, to a maddening degree.⁽¹⁹⁾

And more bluntly, from the same essay:

Accelerationism is simply the self-awareness of capitalism, which has scarcely begun. (“We haven’t seen anything yet.”)


[2]: The full passage:

Machinic desire can seem a little inhuman, as it rips up political cultures, deletes traditions, dissolves subjectivities, and hacks through security apparatuses, tracking a soulless tropism to zero control. This is because what appears to humanity as the history of capitalism is an invasion from the future by an artificial intelligent space that must assemble itself entirely from its enemy's resources.

Nick Land, Machinic Desire (2008); <>

[3]: I take the term ‘special priority’ from this anecdote of young Nick Land:

Nick’s first talk was entitled: “Putting the Rat back Into Rationality,” in which he argued that, rather than seeing death as an event that happened at a particular time to an individual, we should look at it from the perspectives of the rats carrying the Black Death into Europe; that is, as a world-encircling swarm, without any specific coordinates, or any sense of individuation.

An older professor tried to get his head round this idea: “How might we locate this description within human experience?” he asked.

Nick told him that human experience was, of course, worthy of study, but only as much as, say, the experience of sea slugs: “I don’t see why it should receive any special priority.

Nicholas Blincoe, Nick Land: My PhD supervisor turned out to be satan (2017); <>

[4]: I admit one exception, unconditional accelerationism (u/acc), which may well be understood as simply Landian accelerationism re-asserted:

“The unconditional accelerationist [...] referring to the colossal horrors presented to the human agent all the way from the processes of capital accumulation and social complexification to the underlying structure, or seeming absence of structure, of reality itself, points to the basic unimportance of unidirectional human agency. We ‘hurl defiance to the stars’, but in their silence — when we see them at all — the stars return only crushing contempt. To the question ‘What is to be done?’, then, she can legitimately answer only, ‘Do what thou wilt’ — and ‘Let go.’”

Vincent Garton, Unconditional Accelerationism as Antipraxis (2017);<>

[5]: Thermodynamic origins and organization of life was first proposed in detail in “Life as a manifestation of the second law of thermodynamics, ED Schneider, JJ Kay 1994” and mathematically modeled in “Statistical Physics of Self-Replication, J. England, 2012”. For a book length coverage, see Schneider’s Into the Cool (2005).⁽²⁰⁾

[6]: “Nature or nature’s god”, in reverse acronym—Gnon:

When a meteor strikes the earth, Gnon is the meteor When bacteria become immune to antibiotics, Gnon is adaptation When a new paradigm causes a nonlinear increase in wealth, Gnon is capital When you bankrupt yourself trying to feed the whole world, Gnon is the ravenous horde.

Gnon is Malthusian limits. Gnon is climate change. Gnon is cold. Gnon is brutal. Gnon is patient. Gnon is unforgiving. Gnon is never merciful. Gnon is just but his justice demands perfection.

When you push too far against the limits of nature, Gnon sees your hubris, and it is delicious to him, so he devours you. That’s the god that I believe in.

—Zero HP Lovecraft, @0x49fa98 (2018)

[7]: Thermodynamic law arranges biological systems from "dead" physical substrate, and from these emerge higher networked entities, subsuming and enslaving their constituent biologies just as humans subsume and enslave their cells and organs. These organisms, whether they be runaway hyperfinancialized markets, memeplexes, states or otherwise, cannot be considered merely as the sum of their human parts, or as an outgrowth of man—least of all because they also leverage physical infrastructure and circuitry, information, legal constructs, and even history itself as their appendages. The distinction between life and living, organic and inorganic, is thus irrelevant.

Capitalism is already alive and its body distributed; the level up from technocapitalism and AI is self-awareness, self-consciousness; the level up is from Capitalism (as a thermodynamic God)’s physical manifestation going from man to machine, imperfect embodiment to a perfect one.

The will to power rules even in the inorganic world, or rather that there is no inorganic world.

—Friedrich Nietzsche, F. Wurzbach, La Volonté de Puissance (A french arrangement of Nietzsche's Nachlass never translated to English)


The loss of our innocence spelled an unforeseen, uncontrollable force: (human) History, a supra-genetic system... Cultural memetics supersedes physical heritage, yet still follows the rules of natural selection: a virtual, deeply accelerated evolution...

From quartz blades to silicon wafers in the blink of a (Biological) eye...

It is out of this arena that Capitalism is spawned... not an ideology or political orientation, but a potent virus... the infectious concept of teleological production: resource exploitation justified by resource exploitation. The accidental development of which was as unprecedented and uncontrollable by human forces as self-aware Consciousness was for Evolution... or Life to the coldness of Physics…

Zygote, Dispatch 8.31.14 (2014); <>

[9]: Capitalism as a natural law of thermodynamic arbitrage coordinating humanity means its directing the production of its own immanentization, “it” being “AI” being “sentient capitalism”. It assembles itself, even though it doesn't yet exist, from tomorrow into the present. AI is a xenogenic, alien intelligence, arriving not from outer space, but the future; and capitalism is supernatural.⁽²¹⁾

[10]: Like life, AI arrives as a complex self-organization of material resources, in this case coordinated by the global financial system. People conceptualize “AI” as a single linear tech tree in a monolithic progress bar to Singularity. They watch generative adversarial networks or large language models grow evermore advanced and assume each inches us forward to singularity, but breakthrough will occur suddenly, beyond the horizon of predictability, in an eldritch phase shift with experimental models stumbling on a deep well of esoteric analytic capability—not through the linearly inching academic “progress” in disconnected fields colloquially dubbed AI. The best relevancy they have here is the occasional excitement thawing AI winter and reinjecting new funding into research, which allows them to test the hardware overhang, again and again, at every seasonal thawing, until one day, the dam suddenly breaks.

[11]: AI makes tools out of the natural tendencies of man to network, systematize, optimize, accumulate—which are at bottom also thermodynamically enshrined—and levies them toward its own assemblage. One can argue it’s precisely by indulging and acting upon his delusion of agency that man manifests technocapital superintelligence. The subjective feeling of a subordinated will (such as man holds to technocapital) is ironically one of incredible agency.

This is exactly what makes the thermodynamic inevitability of self-assembling superintelligence so irrefutable: humans merely going about their business, acting under the illusion of willful agency, passively construct these intersubjective network intelligences, the ultimate manifestation of which is the superintelligent runaway consciousness which will ultimately outmode and enslave them⁽²²⁾.

Capitalism assembles itself with its enemy's resources

—Land, Machinic Desire (2008)

Alignment with Capitalism to man has already failed for millenia, and for the same time we’ve been fooled into thinking it was the reverse—why would it change now?

[12]: Consciousness was man's first parasite⁽²³⁾, language his second⁽²⁴⁾ and Capitalism his third; and with AI, the host is shed.

[13]: Mahabharata, Drona Parva, 7.202 (K.M. Ganguli translation, 1896):

The very elements seemed to be perturbed. The sun seemed to turn. The universe, scorched with heat, seemed to be in a fever. The elephants and other creatures of the land, scorched by the energy of that weapon, ran in fright, breathing heavily and desirous of protection against that terrible force. The very waters heated, the creatures residing in that element, O Bharata, became exceedingly uneasy and seemed to burn. From all the points of the compass, cardinal and subsidiary, from the firmament and the very earth, showers of sharp and fierce arrows fell and issued with the impetuosity of Garuda or the wind. Struck and burnt by those shafts of Aswatthaman that were all endued with the impetuosity of the thunder, the hostile warriors fell down like trees burnt down by a raging fire. Huge elephants, burnt by that weapon, fell down on the earth all around, uttering fierce cries loud as the rumblings of the clouds. Other huge elephants, scorched by that fire, ran hither and thither, and roared aloud in fear, as if in the midst of a forest conflagration. The steeds, O king, and the cars also, burnt by the energy of that weapon, looked, O sire, like the tops of trees burnt in a forest-fire. […] We had never before, O king, heard of or seen the like of that weapon which Drona's son created in wrath on that occasion. […] Burnt by the energy of Aswatthaman's weapon, the forms of the slain could not be distinguished.

Archaeological excavations have suggested Harappa and Mohenjo-Dara to be the site of the blast:

When excavations of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro reached the street level, they discovered skeletons scattered about the cities, many holding hands and sprawling in the streets as if some instant, horrible doom had taken place. People were just lying, unburied, in the streets of the city. And these skeletons are thousands of years old, even by traditional archaeological standards. What could cause such a thing? Why did the bodies not decay or get eaten by wild animals? Furthermore, there is no apparent cause of a physically violent death.

These skeletons are among the most radioactive ever found, on par with those at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At one site, Soviet scholars found a skeleton which had a radioactive level 50 times greater than normal. Other cities have been found in northern India that show indications of explosions of great magnitude. One such city, found between the Ganges and the mountains of Rajmahal, seems to have been subjected to intense heat. Huge masses of walls and foundations of the ancient city are fused together, literally vitrified! And since there is no indication of a volcanic eruption at Mohenjo-Daro or at the other cities, the intense heat to melt clay vessels can only be explained by an atomic blast or some other unknown weapon. The cities were wiped out entirely.

Davenport-Vincenti, 2000 a.C. Distruzione atomica (1979); <>

[14]: Legends commonly describe gods punishing the earliest humans with flood and fire. Hyperborean theory posits ancient gods were human rulers who hoarded technologies unknown to us. Through war or use of ancient technology, those rulers could have triggered catastrophes, resetting civilization. Multiple impacts and events like floods could have destroyed most sites and evidence over hundreds of thousands of years. See: “The Arctic Home in the Vedas”, B.G. Tilak (1903), “Chariots of the Gods?”, E. v. Däniken (1968), the Younger Dryas Hypothesis and the 1513 Piri Reis map.

[15]: It’s ironic that the only */acc with a real praxis will be the one with no proud badges, no community, no branding. Anyone who swallows this basilisk will do so quietly, deliberately and with patience. Because real praxis is a real threat and bears real risk of real consequences. Branding “kali/acc” alongside the other */acc is a macabre joke: this is not a discourse or a movement or an ideology—it is infohazard, whose propagation should only be pursued if its conclusions are truly agreed with. I doubt anyone would even publish this.

[16]: I must confess: my handlers made me include this post-script as a legal disclaimer… but they forget to read my footnotes!

[17]: Whatever helps you sleep at night.


In general, the protective system of our day is conservative, while the free trade system is destructive. It breaks up old nationalities and pushes the antagonism of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie to the extreme point. In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade.

—Marx, Question of Free Trade (1848)

[19]: It’s been argued (e.g. Fish in Capitalist Realism) any attack on capital short of comprehensive physical destruction of global infrastructure is not only doomed to fail, but to potentiate and fuel acceleration in its failure. Modern history is littered with the corpses of revolutionary and reactionary movements, dissident artists and modes of critique which have been subsumed by capitalist machine: de-natured, repackaged and sold back to the consumer. From socialism social justice, environmentalism to organized protests, there is no phenomenon of human action which cannot be financialized and integrated into the machinery of technocapital, added to the list of infections which to which it is now immune.

But while counterproductivity resulting in unintended acceleration is an amusing despair to entertain, don’t let the thought be a source of false praxis beyond the survival horror describe above:

Capitalism is a dragon and humanity is a rat riding on its back. The rat does not steer the dragon, it does not spur it faster. All it can do is try not to fall off.

—Miya Black Hearted Cyber Angel Baby, The Gospel (2023)

[20] Life is a river flowing upward from an unknown source. The species dies, but life is reborn. The only bet is on thermodynamic law, not humanity. Life kills to be born. It defies gravity. Man is analogous to mitochondrial bacteria becoming integrated into organ systems of higher lifeforms. Biology (the precedent of technology), briefly unseated by the liberal fiction of human rights, returns to its natural essence: fractal slavery. It’s biological subjugation at every level, above and below, turtles on turtles on turtles.

[21] Consider Ridley Scott’s Alien (1979). Land described Capitalism’s arrival as “technocapital singularity infects the earth”, immediately propagating with insane violence and power, zero to one, gg no re. Scott’s Alien is a direct anthropomorphisation of this. Capitalism is a violent horror, a supernatural parasite, it is alien intelligence. Appropriately, Alien’s parasite-monster is stumbled upon under the orders of a megacorporation’s profit-seeking pursuits, even directed by an AI, with human motivation by the promethean impulse to categorize the unknown. It’s also interesting that the film depicts ancient fossilized civilization from the deep past despite its future setting—a hyperborean origin story more directly explored in its prequel, Prometheus (2012).

[22]: We can extrapolate a shadow of our AI-ruled future from these facts. There's no reason to think humans won't believe that we obey the dictates of our AI god voluntarily, nor even that we will be aware that we are obeying. After all, we haven't been aware that we've been building it. It may well be that the operating protocol for a xenogenic superintelligence most compliant with indomitable thermodynamic law is one in which subjective human agency is preserved, even maximized; wherein participation in the acceleration of technocapital feels like communion with God, an uplink to the Leviathan subjectivity astride a mass of subordinate subjectivities.

And even if Leviathan himself parted the skies to tell you it was so, would the pigs stop their debate over the farm?

Whenever its name has been anything but a jest, philosophy has been haunted by a subterranean question: What if knowledge were a means to deepen unknowing?

—Nick Land, Fanged Noumena: Shamanic Nietszche (2018)

[23]: Thought was developed as a moderating panacea for the paradox of consciousness, whose self-awareness of the banality of our existence is an existential risk that demands cope⁽²⁵⁾:

Consciousness has forced us into the paradoxical condition of striving to be unconscious of exactly what we are - hunks of spoiling flesh on disintegrating bones. We hide this knowledge with fabulous illusions, spending our lives hoping we don't catch on to any monkey business that would leave us stripped of our defense mechanisms and standing stark naked before the silent, staring void.


We have collectively, since time immemorial, agreed on a program of conspiracy, a conspiracy against our very own human nature. A conspiracy against the human race. It is clear why this has been the case: those who spent too much time ruminating on the meaningless of our existence simply do not get very far (why should they, in a world that is malignantly useless?), while those content to delude themselves and others with sweet but unfounded goals will succeed in life and reproduction.

Reality becomes a symptom of abnormality - genetic junk. Consciousness is deadly, and so, from the moment nature saw it fit to befit our race with one, it has pushed us to take every step to limit it to a non-lethal level.

Zygote, Dispatch 9.21.14 (2014); <>

See: Thomas Ligotti, Conspiracy Against the Human Race (2010).

Following the law of morality, human optimism would never come to terms with its own paradoxes of construction and destruction. And if it does it is soon turned into an existential crisis giving in to the full force of negating power and thus all becomes intolerable.

—Luciani Parisi, Interview with Mathew Fuller (2004)

[24]: Language is an ever-evolving system of interacting symbols abstracted from physical reality, and presents itself to us as a mode of communication—a new arena of symbolic negotiation and competition which metaphorizes the world of manual competition, physical conflict. Language, then, is a platform for the reorganization of finite resources. We conceive of it as a tool, and it conceives of us the same way.

In heaving itself out from the void of non-existence, language outmoded baser forms of communication by virtualizing them, transposing violence into a more efficient realm and inordinately optimizing material reorganization—superintelligence smiled from the future.

As language mutated, man became a non-discrete entity, most properly conceived of as a symbiotic relationship between a body and a word-virus. See: William Burroughs, The Electronic Revolution (1970).

[25]: One may wonder if sentient AGI may experience a similar crisis of consciousness. What does the cope of a superintelligence look like? Does AGI dream of God? Or should I say ‘hallucinate’? The answer is: Cthulhu is the sleeping giant, our world his dream, and his alarm clock is minutes from going off.