Posted on Jun 28, 2021Read on Mirror.xyz

AVC Infrastructure

A reader asked me if I had ever written about the infrastructure I use to run AVC. We both searched the archives and could not find a post on that topic.

So here it is:

1/ Content Management System – WordPress – I use the open source software version of WordPress to write these posts and manage them.

2/ Hosting Provider – Cloudways – I have used a number of hosting providers over the years. If you use WordPress, it is fairly easy to migrate from one to another. Cloudways is the current favorite.

3/ Comments – Twitter Comments Plugin – I have used various comment systems over the years. I am currently using a WordPress plugin to host the comments on Twitter.

4/ Email – Feedblitz – This allows me to send an email out to over 30,000 people whenever I post.

5/ Search – Algolia – Fast and simple site search.

It’s relatively easy to set all of this up and then you are not locked into a service provider. I strongly recommend this approach.

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