Huxford 'Backstabber' Paddley

Posted on Jun 11, 2023Read on

Unleashing the Blockchain Treasure: A Pirate's Guide to Arrland Ecosystem

Avast, me little swashbucklers! Gather 'round, for I, Huxford Paddley, be here to shed light on the wondrous world of blockchain. Aye, at Arrland Ecosystem, we be usin' the power of this cuttin'-edge technology to secure yer in-game treasures and grant ye complete ownership. So listen up and prepare to set sail on a grand adventure!

In our realm of Arrland, transparency be the key to yer treasure chest. We create assets with clear visibility, lettin' ye know exactly what ye be gettin' yer hands on. And with a limited supply, these treasures becomin' scarcer than a mermaid's tear, me hearties. As interest in our game grows, so shall the value of yer assets. It be like discoverin' a hidden trove of gold on a long-forgotten island.

Now, let's talk about the mighty Ethereum, the most widely recognized blockchain across all the seven seas. It be the sturdy ship that powers our game, ensurin' the highest level of security for yer in-game treasures. Just like the cannons on a pirate ship, Ethereum protects yer assets from any scurvy dogs tryin' to steal 'em. So fear not, me sons, for yer loot be safe and sound.

But there be more to our tale, me hearties! We use a special tool called ImmutableX, a powerful blockchain solution that be like a hidden island for our in-game NFT collections. It be a Layer 2 solution for Ethereum, allowin' ye to make transactions without payin' those pesky fees. Picture this, me lads: ye can trade yer treasures without losin' a single gold doubloon to the Ethereum network. It be like havin' a compass that leads ye to smooth waters, makin' yer transactions as swift as a swordfight.

And what about our trusty ERC-20 tokens, ye ask? Well, we've chosen the mighty Polygon to handle those, me lads. Polygon be a blockchain known for its scalability, like a vast sea stretchin' as far as the eye can see. With Polygon, ye can trade yer tokens, buy new weapons, and even exchange loot with other pirates. The sea of transactions be as smooth as a gentle breeze, free from any rough waves that could delay yer plunder.

Now, listen close, me little buccaneers, for transparency be our compass, and trust be our anchor. To ensure fairness in our game, we use the highly trusted Chainlink Oracle. It be like a wise old sea turtle that guides us on our journey. This Oracle be responsible for generatin' random numbers, ensurin' that the outcomes of yer adventures be decided fairly and without any monkey business. So when ye find a hidden treasure chest or face a formidable foe, ye can trust that fate be on yer side.

Arrland Team be dedicated to transparency and providin' ye with the finest blockchain solutions the market has to offer. With Ethereum, ImmutableX, Polygon, and Chainlink Oracle by our side, we be settin' sail on a grand adventure filled with excitement, treasures, and fair play. So me hearties, grab yer cutlasses and join us in the world of Arrland, where blockchain be the compass that leads us to fortune and glory.

Join the pirate adventure and embark on a journey of discovery, excitement, and treasure. Explore the seas, fight against other pirates, and build your own private island. With endless possibilities and thrilling challenges, the pirate adventure awaits you. Join the CREW3 campaign to win exciting rewards such as early access to the game, a small island NFT, and $ARRC coins.

ZEALY: ZEALY campaign




