alaminh | ClaimDrop

Posted on Jun 28, 2023Read on

Zora potential Airdrop guide — Mainnet.

A quick & easy guide on how to interact with Zora platform & Zora L2 to be eligible for a potential Airdrop.

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Zora is a NFT marketplace where users can buy-sell, mint & publish NFT. Recently, they launched Zora layer2 blockchain. On this guide we will bridge ETH from mainnet to Zora Network also mint NFT. Zora has no token yet so if Zora bring token & do an airdrop, these simple interaction can make you eligible for Zora token Airdrop.

Follow below steps:

  • Click on Withdraw beside Deposit > enter eth amount(enter very less amount just to use withdraw feature) > click ‘WITHDRAW’

  • Tick on caution message > clcik ‘INITIATE WITHDRAW’ > confirm on wallet.

⚡️That’s all interaction we can do now on zora network. I will update next thing to do on Telegram.

⚡️We also can make activity on Zora NFT marketplace on other network. There is less benefit to mint any NFT. I shared many important NFT before on telegram, We will mint NFT when good project’s launch NFT.

⚡️Mint NFT by Optimism: (Info)

⚡️Complete layer3 quest:

If this guide was helpful, you can support me by minting this article as NFT

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