
Posted on Mar 27, 2022Read on Mirror.xyz

Web3 payment project analysis

This is an analysis of web3 payments and wallets, and also includes some suggestions for Slash.

/ For slash team. by kumo


1/Wallet and Payments

"Simplicity is the most important moat for payment projects". It is undeniable that in the web3 era everyone realizes that digital wallet is the most important part because the wallets are the traffic portal for the entire crypto market.Also thats why the whole market is excited when they heard that metamask was ready to issue its own tokens.

I would like to talk about 2 of the most representative wallets and payment projects, da “SFP“ and “SXP”.As soon as they were launched on the market, they attracted huge traffic on social media for a very simple reason: they both received investment from binance.But the marketplace role of the wallet program is now actually quite simple, with more convenient payment functions (via QR codes), and more convenient pages (you can browse various dapps directly).But in this article I'd rather discuss their token economy model.

The tokens of the current wallet payment program have the following main functions:

a. Payments

b. Fees & Discounts

c. Governance & Staking

But in terms of token economics, tokens issued by wallet payment programs are far from a substitute for the payment function of stablecoins. And I don't think the wallet payment project can be turned into a DAO, because the current model of DAO is lacking in efficiency, so the role of governance function is not obvious either.Therefore, there are only two main functions of tokens. Reducing payment processing fees and stake revenue for holders.But for the project, the wallet payment project can be expanded to a lot of business, such as hardware wallet, visa card, their own swap function.

2/continuous streams

V For the identification of this payment model

This is a very interesting new payment model that could disrupt the traditional payment industry.For example, A's monthly salary is $30,000, for him it is the end of each month to get his salary, which is the traditional salary payment model.But if under the new payment model(continuous streams), A's monthly salary is no longer paid only at the end of each month, instead A's salary can be settled and paid into his account every day(even every hour, every minute).This has an immediate effect on employee productivity incentives and increases their capital utilization.And the best part is that this payment method requires only one gas.Of course, the above-mentioned example is only the simplest application, but there are many more applications.For example:there are also airdrops, real-time ownership of tokens, and more equitable token investment principles.

Now there are many projects that do this kind of payment but the development progress is very slow, if it can be further combined with the simple principle of the wallet project, there will be greater market prospects.

3/Fiat and cryptocurrencies

In the cryptocurrency industry, the link to fiat currencies is crucial. There are many otc markets today, but all face many legal risks(this is the reason why stablecoins form the most important part of the cryptocurrency market).If there is a payment project that can directly access fiat and cryptocurrencies, this will turn out to be the dark horse project in the market.
