nonsense 🏴

發布於 2022-12-23到 Mirror 閱讀


If a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound?

Depends, actually. Is there any person or animal to observe its collapse? To hear its collapse?

Here’s another one: is light a wave or a particle?

Thanks to quantum mechanics, we’ve determined it’s both … but with a caveat. The monkey wrench in the whole experiment to make this determination is the observer.

It’s always the observer.

Switching on and switching off the recording device to determine the behavior of light left light particles behaving differently in each case. And time and time again, quantum physics shows that the observer effect matters.

But we don’t need quantum physics to tell us that, do we? Are you always on your best behavior, even when you’re alone? Do you act the same way in front of your friends as you would in front of your mother? While these examples seem simplistic, they underlie an important factor in this existence that we tend to not pay much attention to: what we perceive and how we act accordingly matters.

Your observation is a wave that disrupts the waves of others. Over and over again. From one moment to the next. You send out pulses into the universe that interact with those of others, and the pulses of others interact with your own. This is the butterfly effect, but far more personally engineered and deeply insidious than you could have ever imagined.

So, given this information, what waves are you sending out? Do augment those of others? Are you disruptive?

You’re definitely doing something.

Waves are waves. And you're a wave.

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