
發布於 2023-03-22到 Mirror 閱讀

Residency DAO: web3 On-Chain Branding

So what is this web3 thing you might have heard of? And how does paying Attention to this make your life better? How does web3 add value?

As summarized succinctly in this tweet, web3 is the evolution of the internet and it allows end users to own digital content:

You can experience this phenomenon right here, right now.

Hit “Collect” and a copy of this digital article is transferred directly into your possession. Let’s avoid getting caught up in technicalities - but for the curious & nerdy 🤓 - this is known as a Non-Fungible Token (NFT). But in order to collect this article as an NFT, you will first need to create a Digital Wallet.

How many medical students, residents, physicians, and broadly - People - have died by and continue to die by Suicide? And can we genuinely label this death by Suicide? Given the constant pressure, mounting uncertainties, financial insecurities, and the relentlessly burgeoning aggregate taxation of our Time & Attention - should we be surprised with the current state of affairs? We don’t even get to decide our own “Wellness”!

Instead of Wellness, we have Madness 😅💩

This is where web3 adds Value. It eliminates - disintermediates - the bloat that leads us all to helplessly conclude with a sigh of exasperation, “this is why we can’t have nice things.”

Subtraction is Addition 🙃

Again, for the geeky 🥸 - Value is a weighted distribution over Time, Attention, Dopamine, & Money.

This is an introductory post

to gauge interest in this idea of launching a Residency DAO; DAO = Decentralized Autonomous Organization.

Incentive Structures & Mechanism Design: Net Effect

Zoom Out

Web3 Technology reconfigures misaligned incentives into win-win situations. Avoiding the rabbit hole, here is a high-level overview of how and why this is the case; Nash Equilibrium is effected with this technology to unlock Collective Non-Zero Sum Outcomes through the satisfaction of these 4 axioms:

The Great John Nash speaks from beyond the grave; his works transcend Space-Time.

Mortified. Terrified. Petrified. Stupefied by you 😂

The Game is indeed flawed; and therefore, the Game has Changed 😎

The Cooperative Bargaining Problem has been solved, and now it can be implemented in this new layer of the web.

Who implements it? We do. We have the Cards; we have the Players. We RRR the Game.

If you’re wondering, “Huh?”

Don’t worry. In other words, Value Surplus - Time, Attention, Dopamine, & Money (e.g., we can earn Money while sleeping!) - will be unlocked for all proponents and supporters of the following causes (and more to be added):

I started writing ResidencyDAO.eth, w3lln3ss.eth, and 0liquidiations0suicide.eth are of special interest to me; and then I realized, all of these are.

Grateful for America 🙏

The causes represented by the above ENS (Ethereum Name Service) addresses are of the greatest priority, because they prioritize the end users - We, the People.

Now that the Ethereum Network has deployed scaling solutions, together we can govern and transform Wealthcare into Healthcare.

Join the discussion on Arbitrum and show your support for this vision if you believe we can do this. I have applied to become a Delegate and I would like to serve on the Security Council as well, where I will represent our best interests.

Further references:


In order to avoid mis-communications, the above comment is in reference to the movie RRR. Let’s Dance:

Hold your fork; the best is yet to come 🚀

