
發布於 2023-03-27到 Mirror 閱讀

There are No Co-Incidences

Wait, everything is connected? Really?

But that Butterfly Effect stuff and Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions was supposed to be theoretical...right?

A bit like how Narrative follows Price Action in the markets, Practice follows Theory as Objective Reality & Subjective Reality inevitably converge upon Consensual Reality. E.g., Rate of acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s^2 + “this apple appears to fall from the tree at an increasing speed” = apple falls from the tree at a rate of acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2, as do all objects on planet Earth.

According to the Free Energy Principle, every event in the universe is connected; all events are conditionally functionally dependent on one another. They are chained. And they are so, because all systems are enforcing such causality through a process known as Active Inference.

Source: Active Inference; The Free Energy Principle in Mind, Brain, and Behavior

So that means, it is no co-incidence that our planet Earth and the most vital organs in our human body are constituted by ~70% water.

We Model the World, and the World Models Us

Okay, cool, and interesting. What do we do with this realization? Let’s Apply our Minds. It is worth reiterating the Magic of Applied Science:

Source: King, Warrior, Magician, Lover

The World, and our collective perception of it - our Consensual Reality – dramatically changed with the COVID pandemic. Much of what we thought was true or right or correct, turned out to be not so. Otherwise, we would’ve been able to accurately minimize our prediction errors about such an event! So, this is a Signal to upgrade our Models of the World.**

One such Model is Mind-Body Dualism.

The Scientific Consensus largely adheres to this understanding of Reality. The Mind is distinctly and ontologically separate from the Brain. But how does this make any sense at all? In the simplest sense, it is entirely antithetical to our understanding of Neuroplasticity.

Neurons that fire together, wire together; and neurons out of sync, fail to link.

I.e., functional activity modulates structural activity, and structural activity modulates functional activity.

Information is continuously entering the Nervous System through the 5 senses, permissionlessly – try as we might to censor it. Resistance is futile. We have no choice but to go with the flow.

This is not so challenging or mind-boggling to integrate into our Psyche. Through the Ether travels Light (Luminiferous Ether), Energy & Heat (Electro-Magnetic Waves), and Information Entropy (Communication Channel):

Indeed, Energy and Information are one and the same; and they are connected through the Fourier Transform (profoundly insightful paper):

So this means, the aforementioned relationship that exists between our Earth and our vital organs, is also present for the non-physical and immaterial aspects our universe:

Our Mind; our Psyche

Indeed, these are the deeply enriching insights of Carl Gustav Jung. Far ahead of their time, we can now finally apply them to our world for the benefit of humanity.

Much like the way in which John Nash says Adam Smith needs revision,

“The best Outcome unfolds not when each person does what’s best for him/herself; but when each person does what’s best for him/herself AND everyone else.

So does our mainstream model of Psychiatry, which is asymmetrically weighted towards Freudian Psychology. The iceberg is just the tip of the surface.

An entire ocean remains to be uncovered

By Applying the Logic laid out thus far, we can reasonably postulate ~70% of our Psyche is unknown to us. This is the Collective Unconscious, and everything that lies beyond.

Indeed, the COVID Pandemic presented itself as Fate as we all collectively actively inferred it into existence. But now that we can become conscious of this reality, with it changes our Fate and Destiny.

For the better

You’re welcome to go down the rabbit hole to see how Ethereum and our Nervous Systems are doing this in real time:

Wrapping this up, is it really co-incidence then, that the first nation in the world to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender was El Salvador – translated into English, as “The Savior”?

And how about the fact that the first nation in the world that went bust due to inflation as the fiat currency monetary regime was stretched to its limits, was Sri Lanka?

History doesn’t repeat, but it certainly Rhymes ☯️