
發布於 2022-01-18到 Mirror 閱讀

Wesley Joseph's Ultramarine

Wesley Joseph’s debut is a smorgasbord of carefully placed falsettos smothered in comparable raps that are packaged up into a tightly wound piece of art for you to digest. The complete package is often sold to us with a slight after taste of disappointment but Wesley delivers on all fronts. The Walsall native is a multi hyphenate in the every sense of the word as he wears many caps in this project but ultimately it is the execution that draws me back to this project every time. Waking up to this project is like a refreshing gasp of air after coming up from a deep dive into the mediocrity of the music industry. Joseph’s strategic use of colors in his visuals capture the warming nature of the sonic’s in a way that makes this genesis project feel as homegrown as anything you’ll consume in the next twelve months.



