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ECN 4th Anniversary Activities

从翻译的第一篇文章《激进 x 变革:当 Vitalik 遇上 Weyl》开始,ECN 已经在不知不觉中走过了四年的时间。

With the translation of "A RadicalxChange between Vitalik Buterin and Glen Weyl" in Chinese published in October 2018, ECN has embarked on its journey as public goods in the Ethereum community for four years.

微信公众号现已改名为“ETH 中文”

在这四年里,我们从提供以太坊相关的文章翻译、资讯传递和教育资源整合这些基础性工作开始,逐步聚集了渐成规模的以太坊中文社区,我们在 ECN 管理的社区内举办线上分享和 AMA,进而联合其他以太坊中文社区共同举办线上线下活动,到今年在社区的响应下开始了一系列的社区协作和志愿者计划,并在以太坊合并这一历史时刻邀请了各大社区一起参与一场与中文社区共历的观看派对。我们一步步从 Ethereum-CN (以太坊中文) 转向了 Ethereum Community Network (以太坊社区网络) ,而我们的愿景始终是推动以太坊区块链成为下一代社会基础设施。

In these four years, we started with fundamental efforts, such as providing Ethereum-themed article translations, news, and educational resources to the Chinese audiences, and gradually we gathered a growing Chinese Ethereum community and hosted some online events within. In the autumn of 2020, ECN began to join hand in hand with other Chinese Ethereum Communities to co-organize online and offline meetups, to get involved in a larger network. And in 2022, ECN tried to organize community collaboration and run volunteer programs after receiving much ardent willingness to participate in content building from our community members. About two months ago, we hosted the "The Merge Watch Party" for the Chinese audience by involving as many other Chinese Ethereum communities as possible, to witness and celebrate this historical moment for Ethereum together. Step by step, we transitioned from Ethereum-CN (CN stands for Chinese) to Ethereum Community Network, while our general purpose remains to facilitate the perception and adoption of the Ethereum blockchain as the next-generation social infrastructure.@ethereum


So, what we have been building in the past four years? Please check

  • 是我们的资讯门户网站,汇集了我们日常更新的翻译、周报、活动资讯,以及 ECN 整理的以太坊中文知识库。

  • is our web portal that aggregates our regularly updated translations, knowledge base, and event information.

  • 旨在为中文验证者提供 staking 相关的一篮子资讯,包括通识、教程、FAQ 和术语。

  • aims to be a one-stop website for Chinese ETH stakers, providing general knowledge, tutorials, FAQ, and terminology about staking in Chinese.

  • 是今年波哥大 Devcon VI 期间上线的 Devcon 主题网站,它提供 Devcon 期间重要演讲的深入报道以及相关资讯链接整理。

  • went live during Bogota Devcon VI this year, which is a Devcon-themed website for in-depth reports of important speeches and events.

  • ecn podcast

    ecn podcast 是一档专注于与区块链从业者深入对话,探讨以太坊、泛区块链技术,及其生态发展的播客。我们期待理性的对话能激起听众的思考、真诚的沟通能让 web3 更有温度。

  • ecn podcast

    In ecn podcast, we explore the technology of Ethereum, blockchain and their ecosystem through rational and sincere conversations with influential builders.

  • 是即将上线的 Web3 数字凭证平台,用于认证、申领和铸造 ECN 发行的 NFT、SBT、POAP 和可验证数字凭证。同时, 还是展示 ECN 社区活动的平台,大家可以通过网站陈列的每个 NFT 了解相对应活动的详情,以及活动的最新动态。

  • is an upcoming web3 digital credential platform for authenticating, claiming, minting and downloading ECN-issued NFT, SBT, POAP, and verifiable credentials. It also showcases ethgifts-related events held in the ECN community with activity introduction and updates.

ECN 四周年活动

ECN 4th Anniversary

四年,是总结过去走过的路的一个很好的时间点。ECN 希望通过四周年活动的契机,听听大家对 ECN 作为公共物品的看法,赞美、批评和建议,我们都非常欢迎,这将有助于我们思考未来的路要怎么走。因此,我们发起了“ECN 四周年庆祝活动”,具体如下:

After four years of exploration and practice, it's time to look back and examine our work. As public goods, we think opinions from a broader community matter. So we planned this belated 4th-anniversary celebrating event to hear the voices of others. Compliment, criticism, and advice are valuable and helpful as to how we are going to make our roadmap. The details of this event are as follows:

在过去四年里,你是怎么知道 ECN 的?因为什么机缘加入了 ECN 的社群?与 ECN 有哪些交集或在 ECN 社区里发生了什么让你觉得有趣、有启发性、有感触而印象深刻?在了解了 ECN 做的事后觉得有哪些地方可以有所改善?

How did you hear about ECN? What caused you to join the ECN community? Do you have any shared experiences with the ECN team or ECN community that you found interesting, inspiring, or impressive? Do you have any advice to ECN after getting to know our work?

在 ECN 四周年的活动,我们希望大家回想这些瞬间,用**简单的文字配合截图 (截图非必需)**对这样的瞬间进行描述,然后反馈给我们。

In the event of celebrating ECN 4th Anniversary, we sincerely invite you to recall these moments, and share them with us in form of a brief description and screenshot(s) (screenshots are not necessary, but better with).

活动主题:#ECN四周年 #我与ECN的瞬间


  1. 在推特上转发以下推文并带上 #ECN四周年 #我与ECN的瞬间 两个tag,结合图文分享出来,然后私信 ECN 你的以太坊地址

2. 通过发邮件到 [email protected] 或在 ECN discord ( 私信@EthereumCN 把图文提交给我们 (请附上以太坊地址以及表达是否同意匿名公开投稿图文内容)


11.15 00:00 开始,11.18凌晨00:00 截止 (UTC+8)


  1. 经 ECN 核心成员内部评选后,票数前三的参与者可获得 0.04 ETH 的奖金,评选结果会在得到参与者同意的情况下公示出来

  2. 所有符合资格的参与者都将获得我们设计的四周年 NFT,在 上进行领取。



#ECN4thAnniversary #MyMomentWithECN

How to participate

  • Or share your moment with ECN via email (to [email protected]) or DM @EthereumCN on discord ( (Please attach your Ethereum address and whether you agree to the publication of your moment anonymously.)

Event Time

11.14 23:00 ~11.19 00:00 (UTC+8)


  1. All the moments on Twitter or submissions will be read and get voted on by the core members of the ECN team. Participants with the top3 moments will win 0.04 ETH as a prize. And these moments will be published with consent.

  2. All eligible participants will get ECN 4th anniversary NFT, which can be claimed on

Look forward to your participation!

ECN,全称为以太访社区网络(Ethereum Community Network),从创立伊始一直作为以太坊社区的公共物品在运作,没有进行任何营利活动,也没有参与任何商业行为,以保持其独立性。非常感谢一路以来支持我们的朋友,包括 Gitcoin 的贡献者们。还要特别感谢以太访基金会一直以来的支持。如果大家觉得 ECN 的工作有价值,并希望我们可持续运作下去,欢迎给我们捐助,或对我们的产品进行赞助。

我们的 Gitcoin 捐助地址:

ECN (Ethereum Community Network) has been operating as public goods in the Ethereum community since its inception. We have never engaged in any profit-making or commercial activities, so as to maintain its independence. Many thanks to our friends who have been supportive all along, as well as our Gitcoin contributors. And special thanks to Ethereum Foundation for their continued support. If you find what ECN has been doing valuable and hope we could operate sustainably, donations and sponsorship are always welcome.

Here is our Gitcoin page: