發布於 2023-02-03到 Mirror 閱讀

Metaverse project Createra announces its Genesis Land economic model and gameplay

Createra, a creator metaverse project led by a16z, tweeted the total supply and gameplay of Genesis Land. There are 2,500 Genesis Lands in total, 600 of which are reserved for the team and investors. If the land occupancy rate exceeds 80% in the first year, then Will increase the total supply of Genesis Lands, if not reached, it will remain at 2500. Genesis Land is divided into different levels of SSS/SS/S/A/B/C, and future rewards will be awarded according to the level.

Additionally, Createra will release a new feature "Bundle" in early February: players with more than 3 adjacent lands will be able to combine lands to create bundles and customize them with logos. More functions and benefits related to customization will be announced after the function is launched.