Sina Habibian

發布於 2022-06-02到 Mirror 閱讀

0age: Seaport, and protocol development with OpenSea

Here is my conversation with 0age:

0age is the Head of Protocol Development at OpenSea, and this was a conversation about Seaport, the new marketplace protocol for buying and selling NFTs.

0age takes us through a tour of the Seaport protocol, talking about how it's architected; how conduits and zones work; and we even get into the low level gas optimization work they've done on the contracts. I hope this can be a helpful resource for anyone looking to understand the Seaport protocol or anyone who's building with NFTs more broadly. I also consider 0age to be a true veteran of the space, and hearing him talk through the design of the protocol can be an educational experience in its own rights. I definitely personally found that to be the case.

I hope you enjoy!


1:42 why build Seaport 10:20 the Seaport architecture 12:44 EIP712 signatures 14:17 the global concept of a nonce 16:02 EIP1271 and bulk listings 17:18 the Executor and conduits 25:08 zones, additional rules that can be applied on top of an order 29:47 implementing English auctions via zones 32:17 layers of the stack 36:05 fulfillment 40:42 gas optimizations and understanding the low-level behavior of the EVM 58:40 the interaction between OpenSea the product and Seaport the protocol 01:07:06 criteria based items, and partial fills 01:17:50 ideas to build on top of Seaport
