
發布於 2022-11-10到 Mirror 閱讀

What’s next for the Future of Futures?

Over the last 6 months, RADAR set out to reach its proof of community; to discover, incubate and deliver a better future, together.

Through our first ever decentralized Futures Report, ‘A Future in Sync’, the Futurethon producing hundreds of innovative ideas, RADAR members voting to distribute grants to three of them; and having a curated, impactful, and generous community of ~200 members, we believe we’ve now unlocked this proof of community.


And now, the first RADAR cycle is over.

But that’s not the end for our first Future, ‘a Future in Sync’. We believe through this process, powered by our collective imagination, this future and many other better futures like it will expand well beyond the confines of our little corner of the internet, and start their own movements.

We’ll be continuing to help them do so, and we’ll be diving into another piece with our Research Instigator; Keely Adler and our Incubate Instigator; Matt Weatherall to talk about what the Proof of Community means to them and how we reached it, but for now, we want to talk about what's next for the RADAR Community.

So, what’s next for RADAR?

The biggest tension in the RADAR cycles is the concept that post-the-cycle, we wipe our hands with the future we’ve identified and we move on, not truly taking accountability for the Better Future we want to manifest. But that's not what RADAR is about, we truly believe that, as a web3 community, we have the opportunities to unlock these futures where others have failed, to unlock the Futures Flywheel, a vision for self propagating 🌱 better futures 🌱

So the short answer: We’re going to keep pursuing our mission to discover, incubate and deliver better futures in the most impactful way possible. learning from our experiences during the Research Process, as well as the Futurethon, and using those learnings to iterate and improve for our next cycle.

The longer answer is that we’re taking this cycle #1.5 to design, develop and experiment in making RADAR sustainable under 3 pillars;




And 9 categories; Research, Incubate, Deliver, Product/dev, Content/Editorial, Community Health, Tokenization, Labour/Compensation, and Better Futures.

This is our opportunity to harness this mind blowing experience we just went through for the first time, alongside the innovation and thoughtfulness of every RADAR member's expertise. We’re looking for entirely new processes and ideas, not replicating or duplicating what already exists but giving it a unique RADAR twist and we’ll need a new call to adventure to attract our future members and supporters.

We’ll also be building a network of projects, finding new ways to use media to our advantage, pouring data into the mix, working with clients, exploring token models and overall strengthening what’s good about RADAR, while re-evaluating and iterating upon what can be improved.

Stay posted for one heck of a piece about our “Proof of Community” soon on this and our cohesive manifesto on what this journey meant for us.

Our cycle #1.5 will run roughly until February 2023. When we’ll be launching our RADAR Cycle #2 to repeat our process with sustainability at its core. Unlocking opportunities for every member of our family to be part of this journey.

Today we’d like to share with you the first opportunity to get involved; our first Subscriber NFT and your gateway to stay updated on everything we share as we learn.


Cycle #1 was just the beginning, stay up to date by collecting our Free NFT by RADAR’s Art Director, Domingo Beta.

Until next time, keep sharing signals!


Your Friends at RADAR.


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