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✨ MEE6 NFT Avatars

TL;DR → MEE6 Avatars is a collection of 10,000 NFT avatars randomly-generated on the blockchain. Getting a MEE6 Avatar gives you benefits related to MEE6, its upcoming blockchain features and access to $MEE6 Tokens airdrops! In 2022, MEE6 will be building NFT & crypto plugins, a platform for communities to create their own tokens, and a marketplace for community members to buy and trade their community tokens. The community token platform and marketplace will be powered by $MEE6 Tokens.


MEE6 is the biggest Discord bot with 17M Discord servers and 300M+ members.

We help community owners bootstrap, manage and grow their Discord servers. We achieve that by providing a set of 20 plugins to handle and automate moderation, role management, member engagement and connection to other social networks.

In Discord’s early days we noticed it had the potential to become one of the largest platforms for online communities. It was a perfect mix between synchronous and asynchronous conversations. It took the best of online forums (creating a strong sense of belonging and community) and text/voice instant messaging (IRC, TeamSpeak, Mumble, etc).

However, even if Discord has the potential to become something huge, we felt it lacked the tools that were already present on less powerful platforms. We decided to create one of the first bots, even before bots were officially a thing in Discord’s API.

The philosophy was simple: we wanted something that was easy to use yet highly customizable. We were the first bots with a web-based dashboard on Discord that was super easy to set-up while keeping as many options as possible for our users to tune the bots to their exact needs.

In a few months, we started getting a lot of traction, and a few years later we are now used by more than 17M servers, and getting installed by around 50,000 new servers per day.


Discord servers using MEE6 17,000,000+ (with 300M+ members in total)

Number of installs 40,000-50,000 new Discord servers per day

Visits on website 6,000,000+ per month

Number of commands typed 4,500,000 commands typed per day



Mekaverse, Doodles, CyberKongz, VeeFriends, CoolCats, and RTFKT all use MEE6 everyday to manage their Discord server. More than 60,000 NFT & crypto Discord servers setup MEE6 every month, and that number is growing fast.

The blockchain ownership paradigm-shift opens up for big opportunities for online communities and we believe that with our know-how and positioning we can seize those opportunities and build value to community owners and members. We want to build the link between communities and tokens, and here’s how we’ll do it 👇

  • 🪛 PHASE 1: CRYPTO PLUGINS (Q2 2022)

    We’ll first be building a set of tools to help crypto and NFT projects manage their community.

    In Q2 2022, we’ll be releasing various MEE6 Plugins to link crypto to Discord communities. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of the plugins we’ll be releasing:

    • NFT & fungible token verification plugin
    • Fungible Tokens price tracker
    • NFT Collection tracker
    • 🔒 REDACTED
    • 🔒 REDACTED

    In 2021 we launched MEE6 memberships, a way for Discord servers to monetize their activities by creating subscriptions for their community members: thousands of communities are using MEE6 memberships and some of them made astonishing numbers in revenues.

    We believe that the next natural step to MEE6 Memberships are community tokens. Community owners will be able to create and sell their own tokens to their members in a few clicks.

    By buying community tokens, members are not just consumers anymore but become real investors in the community. Due to the scarce nature of those tokens, as a community becomes more popular the price of the tokens can significantly increase, making the early investors’ tokens more valuable and rewarding them for helping the community grow.

    In 2022, we’ll build the MEE6 community token platform → Any community owner will be able to create tokens and link them to exclusive benefits in minutes.

    Community owners will be able to create ERC-20 tokens and NFTs and sell them to their members. Members will then be able to buy those tokens in exchange of exclusive benefits in the community: access to private channels, telegram / whatsapp groups, exclusive content, events — all seamlessly handled and integrated by MEE6.

  • 📊 PHASE 3: COMMUNITY DEX (Q4 2022)

    Once the community tokens platform is launched and communities start adopting that technology, we’ll be building a marketplace and DEX around the MEE6 powered community tokens. With the DEX, we want to provide more liquidity and financial tooling to community investors while helping communities launch and market their tokens!

    In the community DEX investors will be able to:

    • Provide liquidity to popular community tokens through Liquidity Pools
    • Stake community tokens and LP tokens in exchange for benefits
    • Browse and discover the hottest communities
    • Explore each community token and their performance
    • Get alerts and be notified when some communities are taking off
    • Exchange NFTs with low transaction fees
    • And much more..
  • 🦅 $MEE6 TOKEN

    The $MEE6 token is the utility ERC-20 token that will power the MEE6 crypto features.

    Each transaction that will occur on the MEE6 Community Token platform, DEX and Marketplace, will generate transaction fees. Those fees will directly go into a Community Treasury address. Collected fees will be used to develop the MEE6 crypto projects, give back to the community, help some promising communities launch their tokens and NFTs & anything else that could contribute to the success and adoption of the platform! $MEE6 token owners that stake their tokens, will have less transaction fees on the platform.

    The Community Treasury will be ultimately governed by $MEE6 token holders which will make the project fully decentralized and run by the community.

    Each $MEE6 token holder will be able to stake their tokens to get $MEEDAO tokens. $MEEDAO owners will be able to vote on proposals related to the treasury. To ensure a decentralized and community-driven governance, voting will give special incentives such as $MEE6 token airdrops and other benefits in the DEX and marketplace.

    Benefits of $MEE6 token staking:

    • 50% less transaction fees on the Community Token Platform
    • Ability to vote on proposals
    • Exclusive perks when voting, such as $MEE6 airdrops & more

    MEE6 NFT avatars is a collection of 10,000 unique avatars, randomly-generated on the blockchain. Each avatar has unique traits and rarity. In addition to that, each owner will get access to airdrops of $MEE6 tokens, the ERC-20 token that will power the upcoming MEE6 Community Tokens platform.


    All MEE6 Avatars owners will get:

    1. Airdrops of $MEE6 Tokens
    2. Access to MEE6 crypto features in private alpha
    3. MEE6 Premium for free for your servers
    4. All $MEE6 Token perks, including:
      • 50% less transaction fees on the Community Token Platform
      • Voting on the community token platform DAO
      • Airdrops of $MEE6 tokens when voting
  • Event Date Price Max mint

  • Whitelist Pre-sale March, 8th @ 11am CET 0.25 ETH + gas 1 per wallet

  • Public Sale March, 8th @ 8pm CET To be announced 10 per transaction


Each avatar has unique traits that will be randomly-generated on the blockchain. We use the Chainlink ($LINK) technology to make sure the avatar generation is fully randomized.

To demonstrate the avatars traits and capabilities we’ll be soon releasing a web-based generator you can play with 👀


It all started with 2 french engineers (Brendan & Anis), programming from their little flat in Paris, France what was the first version of MEE6.

The goal was to create the best Discord bot out there. It had to be featureful, customizable and easy-to-use. No one wants to setup multiple bots to handle their Discord server management, especially when those bots are difficult and unintuitive to configure. MEE6 was born in 2016 and it rapidly grew into a product used by more than 17 million Discord servers today!

Experiencing that growth was incredibly humbling. But this is just the beginning, now let’s focus on the future and on things we can bring to the communities that use our product!

Today, we are a talented team of more than 20 people that dedicate their whole work efforts to helping people build the best communities online. We believe that communities are great ways of making friends, learning about new interesting subjects and ultimately grow as individuals.

We are builders at heart, we believe that the best way of spending our time and skills is to help community owners build great and vibrant spaces for their members! This mission is what wakes us up from bed the morning and what keeps us pushing and working late at night.

We’re aiming to grow the team to 50 people by the end of 2022 and are actively looking for talented individuals to join us on the incredible journey ahead.

📣 To all product managers, engineers, artists or marketing manager reading this, if our mission resonates with you please reach out at [email protected]