Fred Blauer musings on Web3, Defi and other blockchain buzz words

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“Next Generation” Blogging Platforms


Blogging is a popular way for people to express their thoughts, share ideas, and connect with others. As the internet has evolved, so too have blogging platforms. New technologies, such as web3 and artificial intelligence (AI), are being used to create more advanced and efficient ways to blog.

Whether you're a professional blogger or just starting out, choosing the right blogging platform is essential for success. To help you make a decision, this article covers some of the best “next-generation” blogging platforms available today.

Web2 based

WordPress (Paid) WordPress is one of the most popular blogging platforms, and has been around for a long time. It's easy to use and offers a wide range of features and customization options.

WordPress has an intuitive user interface and provides powerful tools for creating and managing content. You can create posts, pages, and other content types with ease, and embed multimedia into your posts. WordPress also offers numerous plugins and themes to help you customize your blog.

WordPress also provides a variety of features for SEO, including support for custom titles, meta keywords, and meta descriptions. It's also compatible with most major web hosting services. It can be used to create entire web sites as well as blogging content.

Ghost (Paid) Ghost is a modern, open-source blogging platform. It's designed for easy content creation and offers a range of features for customization and SEO.

Ghost provides a simple user interface with options for creating and editing content. You can easily embed multimedia into your posts and customize your blog with themes and plugins. It also offers a range of SEO features, such as custom titles, meta keywords, and meta descriptions.

Ghost is also compatible with most major web hosting services and has a robust API for developers. It's easy to use and provides powerful tools for creating and managing content.

Medium (Paid) Medium is a popular blogging platform that's designed for easy content creation. It offers a range of features for customization, including themes and plugins, as well as support for multimedia content.

Medium also provides a variety of features for SEO, including custom titles, meta keywords, and meta descriptions. It's compatible with most major web hosting services and has a robust API for developers.

Web3 based (free/post to earn content)

Mirror (EVM/Optimism L2) is a blogging platform that allows users to create and publish their own content. It is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, with a variety of customization options and templates to choose from. also offers features such as social media integration, SEO optimization, and the ability to monetize content through advertising and sponsorships. With a focus on community and collaboration, also offers the ability for users to connect with and follow other bloggers, as well as comment and share content. Posts can be “collected” as NFT’s by readers, and they can also subscribe to blogger’s posts. But you will need an ethereum wallet such as Metamask to do monetary transactions. It has a dashboard with document management features. Multi-media is supported.

Zirkels (Deso) This is a dedicated blogging platform on the Deso blockchain which has features similar to other blogging platforms, and is integrated to the other Deso apps. So, all your posts will show up automatically in other app feeds which is good for discovery, and social interaction with the community. You will need a Deso account to onboard. But that will give you access to all the other Deso apps as well. (That will be the subject of another article which I will post soon). You can also monetize content by receiving rewards, and micropayment tips called diamonds, or selling creator coins. It also has good document management features on the main dashboard, and supports multi-media. Deso is open to anyone, and doesn’t require an invitation.

The Share (lens) This is a newer dedicated blogging platform on the Lens social platform, which is on the Polygon blockchain. So, you will need an EVM compatable web3 wallet such as Metamask to login, and do monetary transactions. It is composable with all the other lens apps, so your posts will automatically show up in other feeds. Any blog post can be collected as an NFT, and you can request a fee to read your posts. They have some nice features and the platform is quite easy to use, but its still in the early stages, so there isn’t a lot of content yet. I think that lens is still “invite only” so you will ahve to request access for now.

Other helpful AI based tools

GPTChatbot This is a helpful tool to assist you in writing blog content. For example, you can get it to write summaries or even parts of the content, but you will have to curate and edit: This is an online word processor similar to google docs, but it also has AI features from ChatGPT which are builtin. So, you don’t have to exit the document to use them. I think that it still requires an invite before it goes completely live. I have a few left.

Maester This tool has several templates for generating content for things like tutorials or blogs. You fill in a form, and it generates sample content that you can then use to edit:


Other “nextgen” social media platforms that support long form content can also be used for blogging. Examples are diamondapp on deso, and most of the other advanced social platforms. They combine social features together with the blogging, as opposed to dedicated blogging sites which I discussed above.

I have given you a few projects that I have used in the past. Evaluate them according to your needs, and choose the ones that best suits your requirements.

Comments are welcome. More to come in future posts."

“Next Generation” Blogging Platforms

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