Evgen_by | Injective

發布於 2023-10-17到 Mirror 閱讀

Circuit's integration with Injective is an important development

Circuit's integration with Injective is an important development. This partnership will allow Injective to increase the liquidity of its dApps, leading to a better trading experience for users.

Here are some specific benefits of Circuit's integration with Injective:

Increased liquidity: Circuit will act as the designated market maker for Injective's order book. This will provide healthy liquidity for leading spot DeFi, derivatives and alternative asset protocols.

Improved trading experience: Increased liquidity will result in reduced slippage for trades of all sizes. This will make trading on Injective smoother and more predictable.

Access to new features: Circuit will give Injective users access to their own market making strategies via closed vaults. This will allow users to easily supply liquidity to pair order books and generate revenue from institutional-level market making strategies.

Overall, Circuit's integration with Injective is a positive development for both platforms. It has the potential to enhance Injective's liquidity, usability and capabilities.

Here are some specific recommendations for Injective users who want to take advantage of Circuit's integration:

Expect reduced slippage: As Circuit provides liquidity to Injective's order book, you should notice a reduction in slippage for trades of all sizes.

Explore Circuit's market making strategies: If you would like to participate in providing liquidity for Injective's order book, explore Circuit's market making strategies. You can find more information on Circuit's website.

then the partnership will be successful and result in increased liquidity and usability for Injective.