OG Studio

發布於 2022-02-12到 Mirror 閱讀

Why we started 0nboard

Tl:dr The concept of ‘digital ownership’, is radically going to change how businesses operate and create value. We believe it will trigger a digital renaissance and we’re looking forward to onboard businesses and people, helping them become the ‘De Medicis and Da Vincis’ of this era.

Today ‘digital ownership’ is in the hands of a select club of big tech players. The Googles, Facebooks, and Amazons of this world own the platforms we use and the digital assets we leave behind. Data, audiences, virtual items, … everything we create is not monetized by us, but by our big tech friends. Remember, when the product is free, you’re the product. Those platforms not only get the biggest share of the pie, they also dictate the rules. 

You could say that this situation is suboptimal, but we didn’t have a choice. It was the way the internet worked, but things are about to change.

A third iteration of the internet is breaking through. After Web1 (static, read-only website) and Web2 (interactive social & creative platforms), Web3 is peaking around the corner. This new version of the internet wants to bring back some of the decentralised values Web1 envisioned, but got lost in Web2. 

Blockchain technology makes a new type of internet possible. An internet where applications are built upon decentralised networks that are able to store and share value. 

Web3 enables digital ownership by adding property rights to the internet.

We’ll be able to experience ownership in the digital world, just as we have experienced ownership in the real world for years. And that’s a good thing because value accrues at the ownership level (just take a look at Google & Meta’s earnings).

Hence our mission. We want to help businesses, creators and communities capture the value that they create by onboarding them into Web3.

The shift from ‘renting’ digital assets to ‘owning’ digital assets creates new opportunities and business models for companies, brands and consumers. 

What’s possible today only touches the possibilities of what will be possible tomorrow in Web3. When opening a web browser in 1990 people weren’t thinking of Netflix or Facebook. We can’t imagine yet what the future will bring for Web3. 

We believe Web3 will trigger a digital renaissance and we’re looking forward to onboard businesses and people, helping them become the ‘De Medicis and Da Vincis’ of this era. 

We’ll keep track of new developments and disruptions. We’ll inspire and educate. And we’ll guide you and your business from Web2 to Web3. 

Welcome 0nboard.