
發布於 2022-07-03到 Mirror 閱讀

Daily observation 7/4

Over 100 days conflict , the standoff between Ukraine and Russian is having impact on countries globally!

Thanks to Bitcoin, I can retire from my 9 to 5, and now I work for 24/7.

1. The Sunk Cost Fallacy.

When you’re losing money, it’s hard to cut your losses.

I failed to cut losses in time because I thought “I’m down 50% already, how much lower can we go”

And every time I did this, I regretted it. 50% is better than 0.

Cut your losses.

Particulary in the bear market for cryptocurrencie, your shitcoin or memecoin can loss 90% after a 90% decline.Because they are worthless.

Not to mentin those Altcoins, both Bitcoin and ETH have experienced

have experienced decline of at leat 80%.


It’s very easy to resist the urge of aping into a coin that’s pumping.

Everyone is talking about it. Everyone made millions, except you.

It’s super hard to resist the urge of joining them.

I’ve done this countless times & it’s always ended up in losses.

JUST IN: Central African Republic has annnounced the launch of its own #Cryptocurrency, Sango Coin.

Bitcoin is very similar to our Human!

In reality, the majority of so-called traders simply remain on Book smarts!

CN gov agency is extremely converned and has access to the world’s largest and most complete private person Data!

Independent thinkers’ personality: creative, conceptual, and a lot of common sense.

Understand the power that comes ftom knowing how you and others are wired.

We are born with arributes that can both help us and hurt us, depending on their applicaiton. Most attributes are a Double-edged sword that bring potential benefits and potential harm.

Meaningful work and meaningful realtionships aren’t just nice things we chose for ourselves——they are genetically programmed into us.

Understand the great brain battles and how to control them to get what “you” want.

Realize that the conscious mind is a battle with subconscious mind.

Know that the most constant struggle is between feeling and thinking.

Reconcile your feelings and your thinking.

Choose your habits well.

Train your “lower-level you” with kindness and persistenc to build the right habits.

Understand the differences between right-brained and left-brained thinking.

Understand how much the brain can and cannot change.

Geting the right people in the right roles in support of your goal is the key to succeeding at whatever you choose to accomplish.

The 2nd largest electric power company in the U.S., Duke Energy, is studying the benefits of #bitcoin mining and how to intergrate it into the grid

4hour chart

1D chart

1W chart

1hour chart

The market is still volatile

Want to be a full-time trader?