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Mobile App Subscribe to Mint

The Sound Mobile App is coming soon.

We’re giving early access to our community to be the first to experience the app.

Subscribe to mint below to gain access - up to the TestFlight limit of 10,000 users.


Next, we’ll give access to different communities in the web3 music ecosystem building on top of the Sound Protocol.

Discovery is king

Our goal at Sound is to help artists reach as many people as possible while monetizing their music.

Majority of music consumption happens on-the-go - not behind a desk.

A mobile app makes it easy to discover the artists and their incredible music on Sound

↳ Discover new artists, songs, and playlists ↳ Build your library and curate your favorite songs into playlists ↳ Showcase your avatar and see your comments for songs in your collection

As you discover your new favorite songs, collect it on to permanently join the audience and leave a comment to etch your name on the song.