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1.2.2 Find your core values: The Journey of Self-Discovery

In this chapter, we will delve into the importance of identifying and understanding our core values in personal growth and development. Your core values serve as the foundation of your personal and professional goals and guide your actions and decisions. We will explore different exercises and techniques to help you define your personal values and align them with your aspirations in life. You will discover:

  1. The importance of identifying and understanding your core values

  2. Different exercises and techniques to help define your personal values

  3. How your values shape your actions, thoughts, and decisions

  4. The significance of aligning your values with your personal and professional goals

  5. The potential conflicts that can arise from misaligned values and how to avoid them."


Please rephrase this text in own words and engaging fashion in personal growth course for titans. this text:

PERSONAL VALUES To find out what you want, it is important that you know who you are. This may seem like an easy question. Nothing is less Where. When do you really think about who you really are, deeply from the inside? About who you are as a person – which goes much further then a description of your age, work, family and interests. When do you really think about who you really are, deep down inside? It is a great question of life: who are you? Personal values influence your opinion and how you respond to situations and other people. They underlie the choices you make. So if you want to get to know yourself, it's from important to devote time and attention to this. Your personality is the set of traits that describe how you think, how you react, what motivates you and what emotions be characteristic of you. The term personality is derived from the Latin persona. It means 'mask', the role you play, it character you assume. It has to do with your outward appearance behavior, that which the environment sees of you. Your personality becomes influenced by your upbringing and your environment, the people with whom you deal with. Research shows that your personality changes as you get older, due to events and the meaning you give to those events. WHO ARE YOU? AND ARE YOU YOURSELF? How do you know if you're staying true to yourself? Many people fit them behavior towards their environment, especially for recognition and appreciation to get. Or they let themselves be guided by how others want them to be behave. And in most cases, our behavior is a consequence of our conditioning, the beliefs you are going into believe as your truth. To get to know yourself better, it is necessary to name personal values because they form the basis of your personality and behavior. What are your personal values? What do you think is important? If you value freedom, independence and independence, a nine-to-five desk job probably won't contribute to your happiness. But if security is important to you, then that office job is possible comfort, convenience and peace of mind for you. Work itself may not give you satisfaction, but it will provide you with a solid monthly income and you keep evenings and weekends free time for yourself. Personal values are things that you attach great value to, both positive and negative. Especially your positive personal values are a representation of who you are or want to be. These values form subconsciously a guideline: they guide the choices you make, how you interact with others and how you relate to the society. They explain why you do what you do. Suppose recognition, appreciation, service and kindness are very important to you – you want to be liked – and you don't like rejection and disagreement, then it's okay it is possible that you quickly efface yourself in favor of someone else. So your self-esteem is secondary. But also as self-esteem is an important personal value to you, you have an internal conflict.\ When you discover an internal conflict in yourself, it is important that you find out which values are more important and what you can do do to resolve the conflict. Suppose your health as write down an important personal value, but that you practice does not eat really healthy, then you are fooling yourself. For example, write down what you eat for a week. That can be a first step towards change. Be honest when formulating your personal values and alert to contradictions between your personal values and you daily life. If you make the choice not to imagine yourself any different act than you really are, you will probably get more respect and receive appreciation from others. But more importantly: then are you true to yourself. Do you see that your personal values can be a direction indicator are in making choices? When you have a choice from now on need to make, grab the list of your personal values and see if the choice you want to make is in line with what matters to you. The next step is to personalize your values against the goals you set for yourself. The goals that you want to achieve and the dreams you want to fulfill must be in being in harmony with your personal values. If they are not, or if you don't honestly record those personal values, then chances are very small that you achieve the desired result. PERSONAL VALUES AND RELATIONSHIPS It can also be useful in relationships to know what about each other are your personal values. The beginning of most relationships is rose scent and moonshine, but for the long term it is important to the underlying n personal values of yourself and to know the other. If you think modesty is important to you, you prefers to stay in the background, and you don't care much for status and success, then a relationship with someone who likes will come to the fore occurs and a lot of attention from others does not always want a good one match. Someone who considers lounging important will not easily become one match with someone who cares about hard work. This examples are easy to understand. It gets more complex if the behavior of someone, or of yourself, cannot be explained directly. Then it makes sense to understand the underlying values of the behaviour to research. When you start observing people around you, without judgment, purely observing how they behave and for what reasons, you can find out their personal values. It is of course of much greater importance that you understand what is your own personal values, but observe others attentively can you provide insight.

In practice, however, you will find that you are often inclined to deviate from your own values. Then you adjust your behavior and it could be that you are getting further and further away from yourself. This is what often happens when you have low self-esteem, or when you connectedness is the most important thing. Then you want conflict get out of the way and act 'for the good of the peace'. You're going to try pleasing others to get attention and appreciation. Because you quickly efface yourself, you disappear into the background, out of the light to the dark. What you're actually doing is sidelining yourself, you no longer plays along, you become a plaything for others. Personal values influence your opinion, how you responds to situations and to other people. They are the basis to the choices you make. So if you want to get to know yourself is It is important to devote time and attention to this. There are positive and negative personal values. To understand this I have an assignment for you. Using the list below, write your positives and your negatives personal values. Then put them in order of priority. So it's about what you think is important, where you values. Take your time for this assignment. View your list again tomorrow or in the next few days. The first weeks you will slide within your list or even significant changes to make. After a while you will really find yourself in the values that you have put on paper for yourself. Then it feels good.

As I said before, personal values don't last all your way live the same, they will change with the years. That has too with experiences and your vision of the world and of yourself to exist. Unfortunately, no one ever told me what personal values, because I could have learned a lot about my own behavior and that of people close to me. It had many conflicts, pain and sorrow can occur. It would turn me in at least have given so much more insight into who I was then. Later in the program we will look at goals and the making dreams come true. I want you right now tell that the goals you want to achieve and the dreams you want to fulfill must be in harmony with your personal values. If she if they are not, then the chances are very small that you will get what you want achieves results. To be successful - in any field also - should your dreams, your goals, your personal values, and your strategy fully aligned z

1. How to define your personal values

Identifying your core values is an important step in personal growth and development. Your core values are the fundamental beliefs that guide your actions and decisions, and they serve as the foundation of your personal and professional goals. To find your core values, try the following exercises. These questions will provide answers that will reveal your personal values in life. Once you have your list of important values, you can start to prioritize your life according to what is most important to you.

  1. QUESTIONS EXERCISE. If you aren’t sure what your personal values are, start by thinking about what makes you feel good. These emotions will serve as a good guide to defining your personal values. Ask yourself some questions to dive deeper into your true thoughts and feelings. These feelings are driven by your personal values. Here is a list of questions to get you started:

    • When you think about your life, what is the most important aspect? What are the most important things in life to me? What are the things that you prioritize in your life, and why are they important to you?

    • What sort of news or stories inspire you?

    • What sort of news or stories depress you?

    • If you could change anything about the world, what would it be?

    • What do I believe in and why? Consider what you stand for (principles and beliefs).

    • What experiences have shaped who I am and what I believe in?

    • When were you the happiest?

    • At what point in your life were you the saddest?

    • What are my long-term goals and how do they align with my values?

  2. ADMIRE EXERCISE. Who do you admire the most in life (friends, family, and other role models (fictional or non-fictional)? What about them is admirable to you? Think of the most loyal person you know. The most creative. The most generous, individualistic, or compassionate. Identify the qualities and characteristics that are most important to you. Do you value honesty, integrity, compassion, or creativity? Do you prioritize ambition, hard work, or collaboration? Do you know that feeling: to love or despise characters from books, films, or series? This says something about your core values. The actions of these characters are in conflict or aligned with what you find important in life. By gaining insight into your favorite heroes and villains, you will gain a little more insight into your own core values in this run-up exercise. We all have people in our lives who stand out in a particular way. There’s a reason for this. These people stand out for us because of their strong values. Reflect on whether you want to cultivate similar values in your own life. Consider what actions you can take to live by those values in a similar way.

  3. BEHAVIOR EXERCISE. You can also try to identify your values by examining your behaviors and decisions. Think about times when you have made difficult choices and ask yourself why you made those choices. What motivated you to act in a certain way?

  4. MOTIVATION EXERCISE. Consider your motivations and priorities. What drives you and motivates you to take action? Think about what makes you feel fulfilled and satisfied. What do you enjoy doing? What do you find meaningful and rewarding? What do you want to contribute to the world? Reflect on your experiences and accomplishments. Think about the moments in your life that you are most proud of, and the experiences that have been most fulfilling. Consider what these experiences have in common and what values they reflect.

  5. FEEDBACK EXERCISE. Ask for feedback from others. Talk to people who know you well, such as friends, family, or colleagues, and ask them to share their observations about your values and priorities.

  6. VISUALISATION EXERCISE. It may also be helpful to consider what you want to be known for. If someone were to describe you to someone else, what would you want them to say? This can give you insight into the values that are most important to you.

  7. REFLECTION EXERCISE. Reflect on how your values align with your actions and decisions. Do your actions align with your values? Are you living in accordance with your values?

  8. TESTS. There are a number of online tests and quizzes available that can help you identify your core values. These tests typically ask a series of questions about your beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors, and use your responses to determine your most important values. Some examples of online tests that may be useful include:

    1. The VIA Survey of Character Strengths: This test, developed by positive psychology experts Martin Seligman and Christopher Peterson, is designed to help you identify your top character strengths and values. It is based on research on virtues and strengths that are universal across cultures and can be accessed for free at

    2. The Core Values Index: This test, developed by businessman and author Tom Paterson, is designed to help you identify your top six core values. It is based on research on values that are universal across cultures and can be accessed for a fee at

    3. The Values Test: This test, developed by values expert Dr. Drew Pinsky, is designed to help you identify your top values in the areas of relationships, personal growth, work, and leisure. It is based on research on values that are universal across cultures and can be accessed for free at

    4. The Personal Values Assessment: This test, developed by values expert Dr. Donald Clifton, is designed to help you identify your top values in the areas of family, health, social, financial, and spiritual. It is based on research on values that are universal across cultures and can be accessed for free at

    5. The Value Gene Test: This test, developed by values expert Dr. Robert Betz, is designed to help you identify your top values in the areas of power, achievement, relationships, and personal growth. It is based on research on values that are universal across cultures and can be accessed for free at

    6. The Personal Values Self-Assessment: This test, developed by personal growth expert Dr. Rick Hanson, is designed to help you identify your top values in the areas of health, relationships, work, personal growth, and spirituality. It is based on research on values that are universal across cultures and can be accessed for free at

    Keep in mind that these tests are designed to help you identify your values, but they are not a substitute for self-reflection and introspection. It is important to take the time to think about what is truly important to you and how your values shape your actions, thoughts, and decisions.

💡 Flashcard question: How can you find your core values? Answer: There are several steps you can take to find your core values. These include reflecting on your experiences and accomplishments, examining your behaviors and decisions, asking for feedback from others, and considering what you admire in others.

2. Important remarks when you do these exercises

  • Be kind to yourself.

  • Be patient.

  • Be honest. Don’t feel guilty.

  • Write your values down. Take some time to think about your answers and reflect on your core values. Write down your thoughts and insights, and try to narrow down your values to a handful of key principles that are most important to you.

  • Create a guide to make decisions and set goals that align with what is most important to you. Make a plan to incorporate your values into your daily life. You can set goals and make decisions that align with your values.

  • You can also surround yourself with people who share your values and support your growth. This can help you live a more fulfilling and authentic life, and make choices that are in line with your deepest beliefs and desires.

  • It’s all about reflection. Leave your notes somewhere accessible and write down gained insights. Continuously reflect on your values and reassess them as needed. Your values may change over time, and it's important to regularly evaluate them to ensure they align with your current beliefs and goals.

💡 Flashcard question: Once you have identified your core values, what can you do with them?Answer: Once you have identified your core values, you can use them as a guide to make decisions and set goals that align with what is most important to you. You can also surround yourself with people who share your values and support your growth. This can help you live a more fulfilling and authentic life and make choices that are in line with your deepest beliefs and desires.


In conclusion, identifying and understanding your personal values is a crucial step in personal growth and development. Your values serve as the foundation of your personal and professional goals and help guide your actions and decisions. Reflecting on your values and being open to new perspectives can help you cultivate a more authentic and genuine life that aligns with what is most important to you.

Now that you have a better understanding of the importance of values, it's time to dive deeper and examine the core needs that drive your actions and decisions. The next chapter will guide you through the process of understanding Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs and how they influence your behavior. It will also explore the importance of taking action to meet your needs in order to live a fulfilling and satisfying life. Understanding your core needs is an important step in personal growth and self-awareness. So, take the time to reflect on your needs and find your core needs, it's a journey worth taking.


  1. What is the first step in identifying your core values?

    A) Reflecting on your own values

    B) Asking for feedback from others

    C) Examining your behaviors and decisions

    D) Considering your motivations and priorities

    Explanation: The correct answer is A) Reflecting on your own values. The first step in identifying your core values is to take some time to reflect on your personal values and make a list of your top 5-10 values.

  2. What is the purpose of identifying your core values?

    A) To align them with your goals and aspirations in life

    B) To impress others

    C) To gain more followers on social media

    D) To make more money

    Explanation: The correct answer is A) To align them with your goals and aspirations in life. Identifying your core values is an important step in personal growth and development, and it helps you prioritize your life according to what is most important to you.

  3. What are the two main types of values?

    A) Personal and cultural

    B) Positive and negative

    C) Individual and group

    D) All of the above

    Explanation: The correct answer is A) Personal and cultural. Personal values are our own beliefs about right and wrong, while cultural values are those accepted by the societies in which we live.

  4. Why is it important to reflect on your values regularly?

    A) To change them if they no longer align with your goals and aspirations

    B) To make sure they align with the life you want to live

    C) To make sure you are being true to yourself

    D) All of the above

    Explanation: The correct answer is D) All of the above. Reflecting on your values regularly helps you understand them better, and it allows you to make changes if they no longer align with your goals and aspirations. It also helps you to make sure they align with the life you want to live and to be true to yourself.

  5. What is the importance of considering the values of others?

    A) To understand where they come from

    B) To avoid conflicts and misunderstandings

    C) To align them with your own values

    D) All of the above Explanation: The correct answer is B) To avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. Understanding the values of others can help you to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings, and it can also help you to understand where they come from.

How to apply this in your life today?

Exercise: Identifying your core needs

  • Take some time to reflect on the different needs you have in your life. These needs may include things like safety, love and belonging, esteem, self-actualization, etc.

  • Think about how these needs manifest in your life. For example, do you often feel the need for safety and security in your relationships? Do you find yourself seeking out recognition and validation from others?

  • Make a list of your top 3-5 needs and think about how they align with your values. Are there any discrepancies?

  • Consider what actions you can take to better meet your core needs in a way that aligns with your values.

  • ASSIGNMENT 9 What are your 10 to 15 most important positive personal values? The value that is most important to you, you put on number 1 and so on. Suggestions: freedom, independence, love, health, vitality, passion, adventure, intimacy, success, status, money, financial independence, inner peace, satisfaction, personal growth, social contribution, security, friendship, comfort, fun, creativity, respect, learning (knowledge), relationships, recognition, gratitude, ingenuity, luxury, respect, gaiety, tolerance, perfection, relaxation, joy, honesty, passion, lust, leadership, wisdom, forbearance, peace of mind, service, independence, modesty, being happy, kindness, peacefulness, confidence, self-esteem, power, ease, spirituality, integrity, family, connectedness, loyalty, control, politeness, realistic, religion, appearance, discipline, reliability, caring, empathy, fairness, ambition, work, appreciation. What are your 5 to 10 most important negative personal values? The value that is the most negative for you (which you most annoying), puts you at number 1 and so on. Suggestions: rejection, failure, fear, uncertainty, doubt, frustration, boredom, procrastination, not taking responsibility, too much taking responsibility, laziness, pride, selfishness, addiction, neglect, naivete, generalizing, interfering, manipulation, depression, criticism of others, loneliness, sadness, anger, discord, melancholy, jealousy, (unnecessary) worrying/ worrying, lying, impatience, envy, dishonesty, guilt.

The importance of this exercise is that by understanding your core needs, you can make decisions and take actions that align with what is truly important to you. It allows you to live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Food for Thought

  1. How do our core values influence our relationships and interactions with others?

  2. In what ways can conflicts in values cause problems in relationships and interactions with the world?

  3. How do cultural values shape our personal values?

Expand Your Understanding

  1. "The Power of Values" by Dr. Robert C. Solomon, available on Amazon

  2. "The Art of Possibility" by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander, available on Amazon