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SUI Fusion Testnet Confirmed Airdrop|| $200,000 reward pool

Today We Are Gonna Cover About @SUI_Fusion

9M Tokens Giveaway/Airdrop Confirmed Complete Testnet Task Grab Some DC Roles

SuiFusion is the first aggregator DEX on SUI, addressing as a one-stop DeFi Dapp designed to provide a seamless trading experience by sourcing liquidity from multiple DEXs and presenting it on a single platform.

2% of Total Supply is Confirmed in their Tokenomics
>Max Supply: 50,000,000 . >$SUF Giveaway: 2% of the total supply. >Private sale: 4% of the total supply.

Testnet Airdrop pool detail:

9,000,000 SUF ~$200,000 reward pool
Not every testnet user will be rewarded, Only 2916 will be rewarded in which 2300 will be chosen randomly and rest according to point rank.

👩‍🔬Testnet tasks

  1. Tweet

  2. Faucet

  3. Swap

  4. Add liquidity

  5. Farm

Every task will help you to gain 10 pSUF, pSUF: Point system used for ranking

🏆And Top 5 points collector will get rewards accordingly.

>Get Faucet
>Go here :
>Click on tweet Redirected to twitter tweet it
>Claim First get sui testnet token from discord or sui wallet:

>Now Click on faucet Approve & mint both Faucet token

🔃Swap, Add liquidity and Farm

  1. Click on start of swap task

  2. Select token pair

  3. Swap

💧Add liquidity

  1. Click on start of add liquidity task

  2. Select token pair to provide liquidity

  3. Click on Add liquidity Done✅

Farm is under development will arrive soon