Jordi Kidsune

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Step 6 setting goals


  1. What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. At your funeral people will not recall what you did; they will only remember how you made them feel. It is not about solving the problem; it is about participating in it together.

  2. On the way to a grand goal, celebrate the smallest victories as if each one was the final goal. No matter where it ends you are victorious.

  3. If your goal does not have a schedule, it is a dream.

  4. When I make decisions, everything is either heaven “yes” or hell “no”. If I don’t feel completely aligned with something, I don’t do it, because I don’t have the time, focus or energy to spare. You can honestly say you don’t suffer from FOMO. In the last few weeks, I have been invited to a handful of social and work gatherings but declined because I’m clear about my purpose and motivation in spending time doing xxx. JOMO, the joy of missing out. While it’s great to be being open-minded and consider options, when you say yes to something, you ned to be careful that you’re not inadvertently saying no to yourself and your own needs.


• Purpose grows from passion. What are my current passions? • Purpose is about how you relate to other people. Purpose is what you’re here to share with the world. It’s how you use your passion. When you get down to it, we all have the same purpose: to help other people through our passion. The greatest task we have in life is to share the knowledge and skills we accumulate. • The highest drive we have is to act consistently with how we perceive ourselves. Fill these lines with “I am” statements: • What are my core values? And what is the hierarchy? Notice: family is a mean value (evoked from something else), love is the end value. Love, growth, contribution, and adventure. • Consider three reasons that you want to learn better. • Welke FOMO’s ervaar ik zelf? Kan ik die omzetten naar JOMO’s? • Construct all-in small simple steps: be kind to yourself, take baby steps and act on autopilot (flow)



When riding down goals, make them SMART and HEART (Healthy, Enduring, Alluring, Relevant, Truth) Specific: you goal should be well defined. Don’t say you want to be rich; say you want to make a certain amount of money. Measurable: if you can’t measure your goal, you can’t manage it. Getting fit isn’t measurable – running a six-minute mile is. Actionable: you wouldn’t drive to a new town without asking for directions. Develop the action steps to achieve your goal. Realistic: if you’re living in your parent’s basement, it is hard to become a millionaire. You goals should challenge and stretch you, but not so much that you give up on them. Time-based: Setting a time to complete your goals makes you that much more likely to reach it.

The challenge for many people is that this process, while logical, is very heady. To get your goals out of your head and into your heart and into your hands, make sure they fit your emotions – with your HEART

H is for healthy: how can you make sure your goals support your greater wellbeing? Your goals should contribute to your mental, physical and emotional health. E is for enduring. Your goals should inspire and sustain you during the difficult times when you want to quit. A is for alluring. You shouldn’t always have to push yourself to work on your goals. They should be exciting, enticing and engaging that you’re pulled to them. R is for relevant. Don’t set a goal without knowing why you’re setting it. Ideally your goals should relate to a challenge you’re having, your life’s purpose, or your core values. T is for truth. Don’t set a goal just because your neighbour is doing it or your parents expect it of you. Make sure your goal is something you want, something that remains true to you. If your goal isn’t true, you’re far more likely to procrastinate and sabotage yourself.

2 Small simple steps:

Act in small simple steps:

  • be kind to yourself

  • take baby steps

  • on autopilot