
發布於 2022-02-25到 Mirror 閱讀

I’ve decided to launch a streetwear label in both realms. Why?

This year, possibly within the next 1–2 months, I will finally debut my streetwear brand. Despite my optimism and enthusiasm for the new Web3 movement, I’ve opted to launch it in both the digital and physical realms. In this article, I’ll explain why I’ve chosen to do things this way. Before I get there, let me tell you a little bit about my background in streetwear culture. Enjoy!

Everything began about 8 years ago when I received my first pair of sneakers, a pair of Air Jordan Flight 97. I had desired a pair for a long time but couldn’t purchase one because of my financial situation and my parents, who didn’t understand why I would spend so much money on a pair of sneakers. As a result, when my aunt gave me this pair for my birthday, I was the happiest man on the planet. I didn’t require anything else. I remember wearing the heck out of them. I still have the pair, and it will always be a part of my collection because it is the one who started everything.

After spending some time learning about and living in the culture, I’ve realized that this is what I’m most passionate about, and I want to spend the rest of my life building and engaging in streetwear. The Hundreds is a brand that will always hold a special place in my heart. Despite my love and appreciation for other brands, The Hundreds was the one that most struck me. They truly signify, and they are streetwear. Their love and passion for the community are what prompted me to believe this. I’m not saying other brands don’t care about them because I know they do, but The Hundreds goes above and above. I’ve always believed in the importance of communities and thought that without them, nothing could progress or survive for years. This is how The Hundreds have thrived for more than 18 years. They’ve created and continue to build for the people, which is something I’ve been thinking about for a long time.

Since I was a child, I’ve had a strong interest in entrepreneurship. I knew I always wanted to create something that would have a lasting impact on people. That’s why, in ninth grade, I launched my first online business. It was a failure, and just a few others followed. I accepted them as lessons, analyzing what I had done improperly and how I could improve myself and move forward. If I’m not incorrect, I began focusing more on music production in the 11th — 12th grades. I picked music because I can’t live without it, and I’ve always been astonished by how artists can make so many people happy by performing music, so I wanted to hop on this boat. Music was also a part of the culture, and while you may argue that the music I’ve produced, house/techno and variations, are not, I wanted to create the music that I enjoyed the most because it is the only way I can offer joy to people. I was entirely focused on it for about 2–3 years, but the dream to own a streetwear label was still alive in my heart, therefore I had to take a break from creating for a reason that may sound stupid to you, but it meant everything to me. I wanted to do more for my people. At some point, I wondered myself, “Why not financially reward my community for all of their support?” It was an open question at the time because I wasn’t making enough money from streaming platforms or my contract with Rehegoo Music Group. As a result, a break was required during which I had to consider building a system through which I could attain my aim.

The first thing I did was go back to one of my high school agendas where I used to scribble down any business ideas that came to mind. A streetwear brand was mentioned on one of the pages. I chatted to myself and determined that now was the time to start working on one. I’ve been working hard for a few months to bring the concept to reality. It ultimately came to life in March 2021. Sneakers&History was created. I was overjoyed. Everything was put into the brand. I wanted to offer education, unity, and culture to the people. Unfortunately, I chose to close it down in November 2021. Why? It no longer matched my vision. I was constrained by various factors that prevented me from expressing myself in the way I want and bringing people the things I truly desired. I wasn’t let down. I was genuinely looking forward to returning to work and beginning the rebranding process. Mismir will soon come to life in this manner.

I found NFTs at the same time I launched Sneakers&History (March 2021). The amount of money spent on Beeple’s work astounded me. $69,000,000!! How could somebody pay so much money for a picture? It piqued my curiosity, so I began to drill down into the NFT realm. I began learning more about Web3 technologies, and with each article I read and video I watched, something clicked in my head, and I realized that this may be the future. So I began to consider how I might become more involved in this space and how I could incorporate it into the things I wanted to build. Since then, there hasn’t been a day when I haven’t been learning, reading, or seeing something about these new technologies. I’m enthusiastic about the future they’re about to produce!

This is a brief introduction in which I wanted to explain why I wanted to start a streetwear label and how I discovered NFTs. More on them, as well as why I am so optimistic about these technologies, will be discussed later in the post. Now, allow me to share with you as well introduce you to Mismir.


Long before I came up with the idea and plan for creating a streetwear label, I believed in the power of people and the importance of communities. As I indicated in previous lines of this piece, my eternal desire to create something for the people that may unite them and build an everlasting community, as well as my love for this culture, led me to launch my streetwear brand. As a result, Mismir is a streetwear label that is powered and driven by a love of culture and community. This brand’s tagline is “Build for and grow with our community!” Every idea I have, every garment I/we design, and every collaboration Mismir embarks on has one thing in common: our society. Mismir’s community is the essential factor that will serve as the cornerstone of its growth and drive to continually improve. Mismir, through its clothing, message, and overall work, I hope to play a significant role in people’s growth, just as they are for it.

Everything made and released under Mismir’s name has a backstory. I will never make something pointless just for the sake of making it. Every item has a story, which I hope will inspire you. The stories will be inspired by various cultures, including Japan (which had a significant impact on my life and streetwear), other events/cultures that formed our society, many stories with a lesson behind them, and many others that will be released at the proper time. Even though I recognize that many people will not read the stories or understand why Mismir is creating goods in this manner, the graphics that will be displayed on the clothing will be designed in such a way that they will pique their interest in learning more about them. Mismir’s tells stories; each piece is a new chapter, and each new person that joins us is a new character in the story we are about to portray.

“Create the most wonderful stories, be meaningful in our customers’ daily lives, and build an everlasting community.” — this is Mismir’s vision. Let me break it down a little for you.

“Create the most wonderful stories” — Mismir, as stated in the previous paragraph, does not build stores; it builds stories. This is one of the most essential goals I hope to achieve with it. Through this brand, I hope to bring and build a beautiful tale in the hearts and lives of all people.

*“be meaningful in our customers’ daily lives” *— One of the goals of this brand is to deliver something inspiring in a variety of methods and to contribute to people’s growth. I want Mismir to become a part of people’s daily lives through its work and everything it does. I am not referring to those who wear our clothes regularly, but rather to be present in their hearts and minds. The most fulfilling emotion is to be remembered as an inspiration and a part of their journey.

“build an everlasting community.” — I’ve always loved being among people and wanted to develop something for and with them that would propel us all forward, not just myself or my creation. Mismir is driven by the concept of unity. I want to help this business grow alongside its customers, to communicate meaningful stories, and to build an everlasting community. I am convinced that this aim can be met as a result of Mismir’s deeds and goodwill. I wish to grow with everyone in Mismir’s community.

This is a brief introduction of Mismir, its vision, and the goals I hope to achieve with it. Of course, as the title suggests, it will be a brand that is present in both realms, but I will discuss the digital aspect further in the following section of this post.

Why do I create and build Mismir in both realms?

I’ll start this part of the article by stating why I’d like to introduce Mismir to the Digital realm and why the world is shifting in this direction.

Everyone has probably heard of the Metaverse. All are talking about it and the digital world that is about to emerge. As a result, more and more individuals are becoming aware of technologies and events that exist outside of the Metaverse, such as Web3, Blockchain, NFTs, DAOs, and others. We are still in the early stages of this environment, but in time and sooner than we imagine, everyone will be aware of and participate in these spaces in various ways. This is one of the reasons I want to introduce Mismir into the digital realm, though it is not the main reason and the one that excites me the most.

These new technologies have the potential to, and I am confident that they will, play an essential role in the history of streetwear culture and move it forward. This is the primary reason I’ve chosen this path for Mismir. I mentioned in one of my previous ***writings ***how NFTs will reshape the streetwear movement. They will be a new way of producing scarcity and exclusivity, as well as the foundation of a new approach to community engagement. I go into more detail about this in that piece, which I advise you read if you want to understand what I’m saying here and why I’ve taken Mismir on this journey.

Even though many people are unaware of these innovations, Mismir will be present to appropriately expose these to them. Educational tools will be developed to help people have a better understanding of these new technologies, and for those who have already mastered or are actively participating in them, Mismir will be open to hearing feedback on what it may have overlooked. Everything will be done in stages. Mismir wishes to grow in tandem with its community, so nothing will be rushed until the bulk of our community comprehends these new moves. I’m focusing on the idea that by creating a strong and connected community, people will help each other. Creating social media channels just for them where they may interact, those who understand different topics better would have a desire to help others in need.

Even though I am so optimistic about these new movements and how they will transform the world, I am still building in the physical world. When posed this issue, one of the answers I always give is, “We can’t go outdoors naked, right?” Of course, it’s a joke.

I intend to continue on this “phygitall” path since I believe that many things can still be created and built in this environment. I want to tell tales, establish a lasting community, and educate people about streetwear culture and these emerging movements. The new technologies that are coming are a means of introducing new things into this culture. There will be a new way of looking at streetwear and engaging with communities.


This article has come to an end. I’d want to conclude by saying that I don’t believe physical fashion will become extinct, but I do feel that digital fashion will become more significant in people’s lives in the coming years, if not sooner. I’m looking forward to the adventure I’ve gone on with Mismir, as well as the challenges and wonderful things that will be met.

I believe that certain brands will be established entirely digitally, while others, such as Mismir, will follow the path of phygytal and present these new technologies as a tool for creating and adding new elements to culture. I am delighted and excited to be developing in this new era that is being built right in front of our eyes, and I am looking forward to what is to come!

All I can say is that we are all in this together, and through Mismir, I wish to gather the most beautiful, educated, powerful, and united community that has ever existed!

Before I close this post, I’ll leave you with some questions that I’d love to discuss with you in the comments area or on Twitter:

1. How do you believe fashion brands should employ these technologies?

2. What do you think NFTs can contribute to the fashion industry?

That’s all for today! I hope you enjoyed this article, and if you have any questions, please ask! I will eagerly respond! Thank you very much!

*The story was first published on Medium on February 11, 2022. I decided to relocate it here for a step-by-step migration in Web 3.0.

Have a wonderful day!