
發布於 2022-03-11到 Mirror 閱讀

Stop stealing other’s NFTs!

One mfer just twitted about his NFTs be stolen from his wallect


what is happing here?


this is a scammer website, you will call a smartcontract to transfer several your NFTs to others



How it happened?

The scammer can replace the input in smartcontract to make you transfer any NFTs they want from your wallet. Just don’t click and approve any links if you don’t know what is it.

When you click the link, the popup from your wallet will tell you what data you are sending to the contract, if you read them, you will find out the NFTs you are sending is not the one you want to swap.


Hope 0x9cb8c1463471ee4d8dd6887035f4835a1745e92a can get his NFTs back.