William M. Peaster

發布於 2023-12-08到 Mirror 閱讀

Time to Play 🫡

✨ This post originally appeared in Metaversal on Bankless ✨

A bullish indicator for me? When things pick up around the space such that I can’t keep up with all the apps and games I want to try at any given time.

I’m definitely getting that vibe these days.

Lately, whenever I chip away at something on my to-do list, I seem to instantly find two or three more quests to add on. Fine by me, as the target-rich environment means there’s plenty of excitement and many opportunities to be had over the weeks ahead.

No need to hit everything, of course. Just pick a few projects you like, dig in, and see what happens from there.

In the meantime, though, it’s business as usual — let’s get you caught up with your latest weekly NFT roundup. Thanks for reading everyone ✌️


This week in NFTs…

📰 General news

🎨 Cryptoart & music

🏆 Digital collectibles

📱 Crypto social

🎮 Decentralized gaming

🪙 NFTfi

🌐 Virtual worlds

🙏 Thanks for reading this week’s roundup! For more catching up: