
發布於 2021-09-30到 Mirror 閱讀

Our journey so far...

Protein Community is a place where people and ideas grow. It’s been 2 weeks since we launched our $PRTN token with an awesome panel on What is good growth? featuring Sirsu, Priyanka Kanse, Claire Yurika and Sterling Proffer. A lot has happened since then, so keeping to our core value of building in the open, we thought we’d share our journey so far ...

Why question Growth?

For many, the Web2 models for growth have become exploitative and extractive, often at the expense of the user or communities who the product claims to represent and serve. While Web3 has the potential to create a fairer and more equitable framework for growth, it’s what we do with it which ultimately dictates the impact it has on society.

So, if Protein Community is a place for people and ideas to grow, it's important to explore the different models of growth which are both positive and negative for society today. And before we can start exploring how Web3 technologies can be used for good growth; we need to explore what good and bad growth means to our community.

Workshop #1 - What is Good Growth?

Inspired by the thoughts, ideas and conversations from the $PRTN launch, our first workshop asked “What is Good Growth?” We opened up the Miro the day before to give our Founder Members time to go in and add suggestions, especially if they weren’t able to make the session.

The live workshop was then split into two major questions, with 3 prompts and ran for an hour. We asked …

What is Bad Growth?

  1. Bad Growth is…
  2. Examples of bad growth are…
  3. Bad growth for Protein Community is…

What is Good Growth?

  1. Good growth is…
  2. Examples of good growth are…
  3. Good growth for Protein Community is…

Collaboratively we tackled each section with 10 minutes of sharing, a few minutes of voting, 10 minutes discussing the key recurring ideas as well as a really healthy backchannel of which those at the session felt most passionate about.

Explore the board here 

Following the event, we gave our community 24 hours to show their thoughts through emoji voting. From this, the core team explored, discussed, consolidated and grouped the ideas shared into key takeaways. The workshop was consolidated and formed into 12 ideas/concepts, which were grouped into 3 areas: Structure, Approach and Outcome.

While this framework will continue to grow and change with the Protein Community, these words are our first iteration of defining good growth, laying the foundations for how we can manifest good growth for our community internally and externally.

In our next update, we’ll be sharing workshop #2, Manifesting Good Growth where we challenged and stress tested these words by asking two big questions:

  1. What's the first thing we can do on our path to good growth?
  2. How can Web3 enable good growth?

Got some thoughts on these and want to get involved? Reach out on Twitter to get involved.

We’d like to thank all the contributors to the first workshop;

@anaroman @priy @faith @kesinkersole @phantanz @fancy @gustavo @algoriddims @jaybrave @herbalteagyal @raz @keeevin @faith @shalpern @sterling @yuri @iainait @O'Plérou @willprotein and to everyone who attended the $PRTN launch event!

gm, ga, gn 🌱 ✨

About Protein

Protein is a place where people and ideas grow 🌱  We do this through our global community, agency, and studio space. We believe we’ve all got a responsibility to think and act bigger than ourselves and that "good growth" can only be achieved by balancing progress, profit, and purpose. Thanks for coming on this journey with us!