Fat Garage

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设计一个publishing system

关于 [[publishing]]?

  • The description of publishing can be distinguished from other processes by the unique nature of content as decouple-able from its medium; that is to say, it is distinct from the system of its delivery(unlike most goods or items) and composed of symbolic or informational are applied to content in particular, with all attendant characteristics, the specificity of publishing is clear. 出版的描述可以通过内容与其媒介脱钩的独特性质而与其他过程区分开来;也就是说,它不同于其交付系统(与大多数商品或项目不同),它由符号或信息组成,特别适用于内容,具有所有相应的特征,出版的特殊性是明确的。
  • The products of publishing are what Latour might call 'hybrids' crossing different areas of knowledge and activity: symbolic, economic, technological, and objects based. In this network, change is the norm, and when things don't change there must be some serious work keeping them static.
  • Being a publisher is a function of the activity of publishing. Anyone can be and increasingly is a publisher. Publishing is a structural, functional feature; what people call themselves within it is ultimately irrelevant. If it quacks like a publisher, it probably is a publisher, despite what it might call itself. The relationship with content is once again key. 作为一个出版商是出版活动的一个功能。任何人都可以成为而且越来越多人都可以成为一个出版商。出版是一种结构性、功能性的特征;人们在其中如何称呼自己最终没什么所谓。如果x x x像一个出版商,它可能就是一个出版商,尽管它可能自称是什么。与内容的关系再次成为关键。
  • We must pay attention to forms of historical publishing, finding their commonalities and patterns. from a reading of #history.
  • Publishing is a matter of investment, in intellectual property, paper, presses, etc.


  • Publishers tend to use models not to understand the world, but to do things in it.
  • Publish models are motivations as much as explanations, they primarily guide actions. #action
  • if economics is often defined as the allocation of resources for competing ends under the conditions of scarcity, then we should see nothing controversial about the suggestion that publishing is inherently 'economic'. 如果经济学通常被定义为在稀缺条件下为相互竞争的目的分配资源,那么我们应该看到,关于出版业本质上是 "经济 "的说法没有任何争议。#economics
  • 🌟 Models aim to extract value from content by framing and amplifying. Filtering and amplification are both about adding value to content through framing. 模型的目的是通过框架和放大从内容中提取价值。筛选和放大都是通过框架来增加内容的价值。
    • model- token 抽象内容的经济性
    • filtering/amplification- search #--curator的工具
    • framing- the container
      • 价值的决定
        • 通过内容被引用的数量


  • TO build amplificatory frames of any sort, especially beyond the manuscript age, necessitates resources, a means of production beyond the act of either reading or writing. 要建立任何种类的放大框架,特别是超越手稿时代,都需要资源,需要一种超越阅读或写作行为的生产手段。 #curation
  • Replacing 'making public' with amplification puts us on more solid ground. Amplification is an intermediation through framing designed, according to a model, to increase consumption or exposure, or value of the content. #[[publishing theory]] 放大是一种通过框架的中介,根据一种模式,旨在增加内容的消费或曝光或价值。


  • Replacing 'making public' with amplification puts us on more solid ground. Amplification is an intermediation through framing designed, according to a model, to increase consumption or exposure or value of the content. #[[publishing theory]] 放大是一种通过框架的中介,根据一种模式,旨在增加内容的消费或曝光或价值。


📚[[The content machine]] by [[Michael Bhaskar]]

Library: An Unquiet History Hardcover - Matthew Battles