Nothing Research

發布於 2023-09-18到 Mirror 閱讀

Exploring the Promise of Intent-Centric Blockchain Architecture

In recent months, a term has been causing ripples in the crypto seas: Intent-Centricity. This concept represents a remarkable departure from the traditional transaction-based norm, introducing a user-focused approach that's on the brink of revolutionizing blockchain applications.

The Essence of Intent-Centricity:

At its core, Intent-Centricity empowers users to express their intentions within blockchain transactions. Instead of specifying intricate transaction details, users state their desired outcomes. An intent is a signed set of declarative constraints that allow a user to outsource transaction creation to a third party without relinquishing full control to the transacting party.

Imagine this:

You find yourself in the midst of a bustling crypto marketplace, brimming with the desire to exchange your favorite tokens. Conventionally, this would entail delving into transaction intricacies, meticulously charting the optimal pathways, all while hoping for a seamless experience. A laborious task, right?

Now, enter Intent-Centricity—a pioneering concept that's rendering this process effortless. It's akin to wielding a magic wand; you articulate your intentions with or without certain conditions, and the off-chain service providers orchestrate the execution, eliminating the need to dwell on the 'how.' You are liberated to focus solely on the 'what.'

Intent vs. Transaction:

To better grasp this concept, it's crucial to distinguish between traditional transactions and intents.


A transaction explicitly lays out the steps and parameters for how to execute a specific action. For instance, if you possess WBTC and a transaction-based approach might require you to say:

"First, go to Pair A and trade WBTC for USDT. Then, move to Pair B and trade that USDT for ETH."

Here, each step is clearly detailed. You are responsible for orchestrating the moves between different trading pairs, giving necessary approvals, and managing transaction fees.


On the other hand, intent focuses on the desired outcome rather than the specific steps to get there. If you're in the same situation—having WBTC and wanting ETH—you would simply state:

"I have WBTC; I want to acquire ETH at the best possible rate."

You express what you want, not how to get it. The intricacies of navigating through trading pairs A and B or any protocols involved are managed by third-party "solvers." These solvers, backed by smart contracts, turn your intent into a transaction that achieves your desired outcome, all while potentially optimizing for factors like fees or speed.

Privacy Enhancement:

Privacy preservation is a notable benefit of Intent-Centricity. Users have the freedom to decide which parts of their intents remain private and which remain transparent. This feature provides individual control over data, eliminating the one-size-fits-all privacy decisions typically imposed at the application level. Gone are the days of agonizing over upfront choices regarding privacy or transparency.

However, using an intent-centric model doesn't completely circumvent the issue of privacy. While you have more control, certain underlying providers may still have access to your information. There's always a chance that certain parties might get a glimpse of your moves, even though you have greater autonomy over your data.

Composable Intents:

One of the compelling aspects of intent-centric architecture is its composability. Multiple users can express their intentions within the same application, allowing for a harmonious coexistence of diverse intents. Whether you seek to trade ETH transparently or if another user opts for a private Bitcoin-ETH exchange, the system accommodates both effortlessly within the same application. This is similar to what CoW Swap solvers do today, although they may not explicitly position themselves as intent-centric solutions.

Beyond a Single Blockchain:

Intent-Centricity is not confined to a single blockchain; it's an architectural concept with broad applicability. Ethereum, for instance, is actively transitioning from transaction-centric to intent-centric interactions. Many intent-centric projects aspire to become a separate chain, as a foundational layer for other blockchains.

Key Players in the Intent-Centric Landscape:

Several prominent players are actively shaping the landscape of Intent-Centricity. Notably, Anoma is constructing an Intent-Centric blockchain, while Flashbot is developing the SUAVE (Single Unified Auction for Value Expression) infrastructure.

The vision of Intent-Centricity sounds promising, but the pivotal challenge is building the intent layer. Anoma and Flashbots are vying to become the definitive intent layer for blockchains, each with distinct methodologies. Building this layer is no easy feat, as it necessitates balancing credible commitment, decentralization, and privacy.

Account Abstraction (AA) plays a crucial role in this intent-centric framework, but how? One of its core functionalities, such as enabling gasless transactions, represents a form of expressing intent. In other words, users say “I want to pay fees with USDC”, and solvers will help me convert it to ETH for payment.

MEV (Miner Extractable Value) poses a persistent challenge in DeFi, where users often face unfavorable results due to miners or traders exploiting their positions at the expense of regular users. SUAVE, while not exclusive to Ethereum, is pioneering a multi-chain approach to mitigate MEV's impact, particularly in the world of swaps, staking, and other DeFi activities. It acts as a bridge, aligning user intentions with the broader DeFi landscape, prioritizing user intents while safeguarding their interests. SUAVE represents a crucial shift towards a more user-centric and fair DeFi ecosystem, offering a promising solution to the MEV problem across multiple blockchain networks, thereby harmoniously balancing MEV considerations, user intent fulfillment, and multi-chain compatibility.

In Conclusion:

Intent-Centricity represents a game-changing approach to blockchain interaction, prioritizing user intent and privacy. While the intent layer's development poses significant challenges, the potential benefits for blockchain applications and user experiences are substantial. The fusion of intent-centricity, SUAVE, Account Abstraction, and other solutions holds the promise of improving mass adoption and decentralization in the crypto world, paving the way for a more user-friendly and inclusive future.


@0xNalinz | Nothing Research Analyst