
發布於 2021-12-01到 Mirror 閱讀

4 things about web3 I'm excited about!

EponymNFT called 'privacy'

Control over my privacy and data

In web3, I don’t have to hand over any of my personal information in order to participate.

I simply need a wallet to start that’s ultimately protected by your very own private key. This wallet essentially acts similar to a profile and it’s up to me how public I want that particular profile to be. I can share it publicly or keep it a secret.

Control over my identity

I can present myself in any way I'd like in web3. I can use a pseudonym or my real name.

I can use an NFT profile pic that I own as a popular way to express myself as a collector. As an artist, I can use my own work. Or if I want, you can also use my irl name and face.

All of it is accepted, fluid and normalized. What’s more important in this space is character and reputation.

Value is exchanged between people, not big tech

Say goodbye to algorithmic feed and ads, and say goodbye to middlemen.

The beauty of web3 allows us to coordinate and collaborate in a way that allows us to exchange value with each other.

Decentralization means there’s more to go around for all of us.

Actually own digital assets, not just perpetually rent them

What has Instagram given us for all those likes?

Subscriptions will always have their place on the internet but other than maybe a domain, we’ve never actually owned anything on the internet before despite how much our lives are spent here.

With web3, we have the opportunity to actually own digital assets. Any joy and social connection that come from owning things irl is now brought into the metaverse.