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Link3 - Whitelisting Explained, NFT, and a Mystery

Link3, A web3 social network of verifiable identities, is currently in its Alpha 1.0 stage and only whitelisted addresses or those with invitation codes can start building their verified profiles. As we roll out more product features, we’re also gradually opening up the whitelist and giving the community more ways to obtain invitation codes.

Read on to see how you can get involved and what to expect in the coming weeks.

Whitelisting Rules

Beginning July 25, 2022, you will have to meet one of the following requirements to be whitelisted:

  • Affiliated with Verified Organizations on Link3

    You will need to be included by a verified Link3 project in its Team, Backers, or Contributors section.

    For example, pisofa.eth is included in the team section of so the wallet address successfully linked to this Twitter account will be automatically whitelisted and can create a personal profile of his/her own.

    If a project hasn’t got its profile yet, you should help ask the team to set it up! (And include you as a key contributor of course 😉)

  • Trusted by Big Names in Web3

    You will need to be followed on Twitter by a Super Web3 KOL (according to TwitterScan) or a top 100 account according to

  • A CyberConnect Core Contributor

    We have a special place in our hearts for our community contributors. If you’re one of the core contributors, head over to CyberConnect’s Discord to learn more. Rumour has it there are more community campaigns going on there 👀

Why - Beacons of Trust

You may have noticed that during this first phase we’ve prioritized key organizations and influencers. Let us reassure you that we’ve never forgotten the more diverse Web3 dweller communities who may not have a huge network at this time but deserve just as much the power of holistic identities and a trustworthy way of networking.

As we elaborated in the intro blog, Link3’s vision is to build a layer of trust on the internet, but it’s not an easy mission. Trust is delicate - it’s not fabricated in one day but needs to grow from real and organic social connections. To kick things off, we need to start with the existing connections and contexts, and tap into the use cases that manifest the values of connections the most. Link3 starts with reputable organizations and core professionals/influencers solely because they carry the most meaningful contexts for trust to germinate and like beacons they will help put trustworthiness and meanings in people’s identities and let that pass on through the network. We will further open things up as this layer of trust grows and connects, and we can’t wait to have you there.

To check if you are already on the whitelist, go to and link the Twitter account that is mentioned in the ways above.

Don’t worry if you can’t make it in. For now, ask around, explore your network, and make some valuable feedback/proposal/contribution, you might get some spare Invitation codes!

Enter the waitlist here to join the first group of people when early access begins.

Unique Subdomain and Link3 NFT

Now for those of you whitelisted or with an invite code, you are also able to purchase and claim a unique subdomain/handle. The all-in-one link for your holistic identity can now truly be unique.

By claiming and purchasing a handle, you are also minting a unique Link3 NFT. The NFT will be in a form of a business card with all your essential profile information such as display name, title, PFP, your Link3 profile URL and its QR code. More features are rolling out soon and you can start now to present your Link3 NFT business card for faster and more trustworthy networking.

Simply go to your personal profile from your dashboard and follow the steps. Costs vary depending on the length of the subdomain, ranging from 0.05 ETH for 7-plus-character words to crème de la crème exclusive single-character handle at 10 ETH. And if you are the lucky ones with promo codes, you will be exempted from paying for any handles that are more than 6 characters in length.

We encourage you to only register the handles that are meaningful and relevant to you and can help you build a better and more trustworthy identity.

More promo codes? Ask around, join campaigns, and stay tuned.

Send in your ideas of how the NFTs can be used to help with web3 native ways of networking. You might be surprised how much we’ve already planned for it and your proposals might be prioritized in our roadmap.

Mystery Box

Link3 Mystery Box NFT

Like we said, building trust is hard, especially if it is real and organic and built from the ground up. We need you guys to onboard trusted people and projects and spread the word while we want to make sure your contribution is recognized.

To help with that, Mystery Box is, well, a mysterious and secret benefit we designed to reward early Link3 adopters who’re actively helping us build the layer of trust.

There will be a scheduled airdrop of Mystery Box every month, with the next being around Aug 15. All Link3 users with a Link3 NFT (ie, unique subdomain purchasers) and who have completed mystery box tasks will be eligible to claim one Mystery Box in the Link3 profile with gas fees.

We kick off the July Mystery Box campaign today! You will have until Aug 6 to complete the following tasks:

  • Pin a Tweet with your Link3 profile URL along with a screenshot of your Link3 NFT
  • Add Link3 link as the “website” of your Twitter profile

The first batch of Mystery Boxes will be available to claim in mid-Aug. New sets of tasks and rules will be set for the following months - they will likely get harder as we gradually open up the whitelist.

Remember to link your Twitter if you haven’t verified it when creating the profile. You can do so via Settings in your personal profile dashboard.

To stay most updated with the campaign rules, check our Twitter and Discord.

Note that the boxes won’t get opened until the end of the year. What you will get out of boxes - $, premium features, NFTs? - you may want to join the discussion and tell us.

To stay tuned to all the updates and coming campaigns, join our Discord community and follow Link3 on Twitter.

To explore more about Link3, visit and join the waitlist here.