Fat Garage

發布於 2022-04-21到 Mirror 閱讀

[[Decentralize people]]

Every entry is a question, and m not writing the answer

Decentralize people

  • All the purpose is moving people around. And people want to get moved around.
  • A token to carry a mission that can be picked up by a "killer for hire"
  • a token with a representation, a envelope of budget and a blank script to be filled


  • issue 100 token/NFT characters ("reformed killer for hire"--just the narrative) across the global, each with a general mission on the flip-side. Visibly we need a global map with 100 characters distributed on the map waiting for its real life.

  • Set budget for each mission, could be in different levels
    • 0.25
    • 1
    • 3
    • etc.
  • Mission prob
    • hold a local happy hour to interpret this mission and its background knowledge
    • go talk to 3+ college students and explain to them
    • go talk to any parties/partners you feel related

*try your best to record the process of it


  • #killer for hire
    • killers are always with high creativity beyond just completing the mission
    • no smart killers, no smart contracts ;)
  • it's nothing but people should be decentralized
    • there is a moment i realized people are so many things, the amazing thing i found on people(and myself) is the proactivity motivation driven by a mission/not a job. if they are not bound with a 9-6 company, will they prefer complete a mission delivered via a token?
    • it's fun to play a character and you are the one who make the difference, you bring the character to "life".

people are all we ve got.

