
發布於 2023-05-16到 Mirror 閱讀

Wild Awake trusts you

One of the issues in crypto right now is that too much is about ‘brand’ and not enough is about ‘trust.’ Think about some of the communities you’re a part of. Where are you active? Where do you lurk? What is the difference between the two for you? The focus on ‘brand’ also works together with a drive towards more widespread adoption of blockchain technologies. In music, this has brought us Open Editions. With the cost of a music NFT going down, the idea is that more people will collect. But what this trend has mainly done is to push to value of music down again towards what we know from downloads and streaming. Wild Awake is different, it asks collectors to value music the way the meme values it.

Credits: VividFeverDreams

Wild Awake is about human connections, and those are based on trust. From there we can build something more gentle, more connected. It’s all about breaking down the barriers we throw up and making real what we care about - music and creating art. Wild Awake invites you to dwell in our part of the digital world we inhabit together. What part of the Wild Awake collective do you want to participate in? We can talk about this. It can be as simple as a DM to Jamie, Kat, or Maarten.

A person who is Wild Awake according to DALL·E 2

Wild Awake is not ‘number go up’, it’s about a desire to participate in the scene. We want everyone involved to belong, together, centred around alternative electronic music. We build trust together, knowing that the music is good, that the mission is needed, that everyone involved is valuable – whatever their contribution. Wild Awake is yours, give your meaning to it, bring it out into the world. That will give it value, that will increase the power of the collective, of the mission, of the meme.

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