
發布於 2021-11-12到 Mirror 閱讀

No Squiggle? No problem. Announcing the Scholarship Program

Repost/edit from our Medium account

Enter the Rainbow Gate…

“He dreamt of being elite. By chance and within a matter of weeks his status, measured in Ethereum, seemed elite. Did he have what it takes to remain elite?” — The Founding Scrolls of Squiggledom

From the Marketing Squad Department of the Squiggle Treasury #1 — Squiggle Square Squiggledom, The Internet

The SquiggleDAO Scholarship Program

The SquiggleDAO was founded in April 2021 with the mission to support the growth and cultural relevance of generative NFT art. At its inception, Chromie Squiggles were used to gain membership into the DAO due to the relatively low cost of a Chromie Squiggle at the time and to signal a commitment to the art, which is foundational to the DAO’s core mission.

Fast forward a few months and Chromie Squiggles are over $45,000 USD! This rapid growth in price greatly limits who can join and contribute to the DAO under the current membership format. What started as a low barrier to entry has become a very high one, creating challenges for the DAO to bring in new talent.

An opportunity to join the SquiggleDAO

Faced with this challenge, the SquiggleDAO identified an immediate solution; we are introducing a Scholarship program. The Scholarship program is a DAO-curated gateway for non-Squiggle holders to join the DAO and have the equivalent membership as those who own a Chromie Squiggle.

What does a SquiggleDAO scholarship do for me?

A SquiggleDAO scholarship will get you the “Squiggle Scholar” role in the SquiggleDAO Discord. This gets you past the Squiggle-Gate and will allow you to fully participate in the DAO. Activities include joining committees, participating in weekly calls, completing bounties, or just hanging out in Squiggle Square. The program is designed to bring individuals with great ideas and high levels of talent into the DAO to collaborate with the community and continue to build toward the DAO’s mission, whether it is pitching an idea to the DAO or stepping up to claim a project bounty in the DAO’s public #jobs-and-bounties Discord Channel.

The program is officially live today! If you have the ability and motivation to make a meaningful contribution to the DAO we would love to hear from you.

So, how do I apply for a SquiggleDAO scholarship?

Simply fill out and submit this form. The SquiggleDAO will review your submission and respond back as soon as possible. For more information, join our Discord and check out the #start-here and #scholarship channels.