
发布于 2023-02-14到 Mirror 阅读

🚀veDAO Financing Daily News 02/15/2023

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Amount: $65 million

Round: Series B 

Date: February 14

Investment Institution: Credit Suisse Arab Bank Switzerland Investis 

Keywords: Infrastructure

Project Description: Taurus provides enterprise-grade infrastructure to issue, host and trade any digital asset,including pledges, tokenized assets and digital currencies. Taurus also operates a regulated marketplace for private assets and tokenized securities

Other additions: Series A funding of CHF 10 million on April 30, 2020

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Amount: $4.3 million


Date: February 14

Investment Institution: Coinmetro

Keywords: Fundraising platform

Project Description: Ignium is a capital market infrastructure for SMEs that enables them to raise capital directly from the community through its website and social media. Through Ignium, companies can issue An securitization tokens that can be sold anywhere in the world, and investors of all sizes can purchase securitization tokens issued on the Ignium platform

Other additions: €1.2 million in seed round funding in January 2021

Official website address:

Social media:


Amount: $19 million 

Round: Seed round

Date: February 14

Investors: Dragonfly Lemniscap Shima Capital Placeholder Finality Capital Partners Naval Ravikant Cobie Hasu 0xMaki

Keyword: Infrastructure

Project Description: Monad is building a high-performance Layer 1 blockchain for the next generation of decentralized applications with a mission to accelerate the disruptive power of decentralization by building blockchains that are 100x to 1000x faster than their closest competitors, alleviating severe bottlenecks in existing blockchains, and enabling more complex applications and wider adoption

Official website address:

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Amount: $4.5 million

Round: Seed round

Date: February 14

Investors: Bain Capital Crypto Shima Capital 6th Man Ventures Aves Lair Newman Capital Modular Capital SevenX Ventures

Keywords: Infrastructure software

Project Description: Orb Labs is building cross-chain messaging protocols and tools for developers to build cross-chain applications.The company founded in 2022 aims to "enable every developer to build accessible and scalable full-chain applications and make the web3 frictionlessly accessible to everyone." To achieve this mission, Orb Labs has built two separate products, Earlybird and MagicLane

Official website address:

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Amount: undisclosed

Round: Seed round

Date: February 14

Investment Institution: Blockchange AARP

Keywords: Infrastructure Digital Credentials

Project Description: Dentity is a digital credential and ID verification platform with a mission to make the Internet a safer place by returning the power of identity to consumers. Using verifiable digital certificates and leveraging blockchain technology. Dentity enables trusted peer-to-peer interactions and serves as a self-service platform for certificate issuers and verifiers. The Dentity network features a mobile wallet containing a variety of sharable ID credentials that protect the privacy and security of personal information

Official website address:

Social media:


Amount: $7 million

Round: Seed round

Date: February 14

Investors: Collider Ventures Disruptive AI ParaFi Capital Samsung Next    

Keyword: Security Solution

Project Description: Ironblocks is an end-to-end cryptographic security service provider for Web3 platforms, DeFi protocols, cross-chain bridges, market makers and other digital asset projects. Ironblocks automates proactive threat detection and will soon enable teams to take immediate preventative action in milliseconds. Its mission is to protect decentralized finance and web3 from threats and theft, creating the security needed to achieve widespread adoption of these platforms

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About veDAO

veDAO is an investment and funding community dedicated to discovering early-stage potential projects. By gathering public wisdom and professional opinions, veDAO provides a fair, transparent and democratic project evaluation and investment and financing process for community participants, investors and project parties, allowing all participants to share the project development dividends.



